25|Dark Caia|

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"The moment has arrived to activate the Codex, my dear," Darkar instructs, his tone ominous.

"My dear? I hate to break up your charming 'let's conquer everything' moment, but we have a bit of trouble outside," Icy interjects with disdain.

"The Winx girls and their companions managed to pilot a ship into the main cavern," Stormy adds.

"While you're busy flirting with Caia, they're turning your shadow monsters into a target practice range," Darcy points out.

"An inconvenience. You three handle it," Darkar dismisses with a wave of his hand.

"What about entering the realm of Relix together?" Icy inquires.

"Exactly," Stormy agrees.

"Caia and I require time to open the vortex. Assist our creatures with your Gloomix powers to crush the fairies," Darkar commands, uninterested in the girls' concerns.

"We're almost ready, my dear Caia," Darkar says with a sinister smile.

Just then, the Trix arrive.

"Hey, LD," Icy interrupts.

"You're not leaving, are you? You wouldn't abandon your main witches, would you?" she questions.

"I only have one main witch now, and no, I don't intend to leave without her," Darkar replies disinterestedly.

"What do you mean?" Stormy asks, sounding offended.

"You better not be suggesting what I think you're suggesting," Darcy adds.

"We've been loyal to you across realms, and now you're going to abandon us for some inexperienced wannabe at the last minute?" Icy accuses.

In response, Darkar attacks Icy with his magic.

"Caia is my main witch now. As for you three, consider yourselves discarded," Darkar declares coldly.

Darkar blasts the Trix into a vortex, causing them to disappear, and I smirk at their abrupt departure.

"There is only one more thing I must do before we open the vortex. Kerbog," Darkar commands, summoning a bat-like creature named Kerbog.

"I want you to stay behind. Just in case those meddling fairies manage to gain entry into the castle," Darkar instructs Kerbog, using his magic to transform the creature into a formidable guardian known as the Guardian of Shadowhaunt.

"To open the vortex, we must present light and darkness allied and together. The Codex doesn't know you've turned to complete darkness; it only sees the light of the Dragon Fire within you," Darkar explains to me, and I follow his instructions.

As the portal to the realm of Relix begins to open, Darkar expresses his excitement. "It's working! Yes! After all this time, the portal is opening!" he exclaims.

We stand at the portal's threshold, ready to step into Relix and face the Ultimate Power. Darkar's enthusiasm is palpable as he urges me forward. "Behold, the gateway to Relix opens before us! When we step through, we will be face to face with the Ultimate Power! And anyone who wants to follow us will have to deal with Kerbog. Shall we? As they say: lightness before dark," Darkar declares.

Together, we walk through the portal, and it closes behind us, sealing our path to Relix. Darkar is filled with anticipation. "Everything is set. It is now time to begin the ritual," he announces, and we both cackle in anticipation of the power we are about to attain.

"Now, Caia, begin the chant of power!" Darkar commands, prompting me to raise my hands and start chanting the incantation.

"Descend beatus fortis subvertio!" I chant, the energy in the air crackling with power as I continue the chant.

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