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It was a typical bright and sunny day at Alfea and the students were getting the campus ready for the party that would be taking place that night. I was walking around trying to find something to do.

I paused when I spots Bloom.

"Hi bloom!" I exclaimed waving as I neared

"Hi Caia, where are you headed? " Bloom asks smiling at me as I was petting kiko, Blooms bunny.

" I'm gonna go see if Flora needs some help. You wanna come with me?" I replied smiling back at her

Bloom nodded and agreed "Yeah let's go"


  "Hi Flora!" The two greet as they enter the cafeteria.

I gasped as I takes in my surroundings. "Wow you're doing an amazing job!"

Flora was decorating the cafeteria for the party later and was doing an amazing job at sprucing up the place.

"Yeah you've really out done yourself this time!" Bloom added as she looked around.

"Yeah you think so really?" Flora asks smiling and we nod.

"You need some help?" I asked.

"No it's okay I've got it under control!" Flora assures going turning around sorting some flowers.

"Oh well maybe Stella needs help with her chores, you seen her?"

"Last I heard she was off doing something of up most importance." Flora informed them.

I laughed. Knowing it probably wasn't that important.

"Okay thanks Flora, see you later!" I say before me and Bloom go to find Stella

  Approaching the apartment door Me and Bloom hear Stella shout and we pause sharing a worried look.

"Oh why now! It fit when I tried it on in the store! Why do these things happen to me?!"

I open the door to me and Stella's shared apartment.

"Stella are you ok?" Bloom questions as we walk further into the room carful to avoid stepping on the blondes clothes knowing she'd freak if they stepped and or dirtied her precious clothes.

"No im not!" She responds clearly frustrated

"What a mess!" I gasped, my jaw basically on the floor looking around their room. I just cleaned! I started to   frown.

"Relax I'll pick it up when I'm done!" Stella waved it off before continuing "Now be a friend and help me out."

"Stella what happen here?" Bloom questions looking at the piles of clothes on the floor

"Look, it took me over two hours to pick the perfect dress , now I find it doesn't fit well. So I take this other one but I think I wore it already. I beg you girls help me!"

"Stella how can I help you you're the fashion star! Or do you need my magic fire to tidy up your room?" Bloom responded sarcastically

"That is not the problem!"

"Look I've got to go help someone who really needs it . Bye!" Bloom turns to leave the room

"No don't go!"

"Stella your outfits are fine"

" I really need your help!"

" Whatever you wear, you always look great trust me."

"But it's been so long since I went to a party with Brandon! I totally forgot which dress is he's already seen me in!" Stella cried

" I know Brandon thinks you look Gorgeous in whatever you wear Stella. You could show up in PJs and he'd think your the prettiest girl in the room! " I assured and teasing her knowing damn well how true it was.

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