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We stood in front of the classroom, anticipating the professor's arrival, when Stella rushed in.

"Hold on, I'm going in first. The professor could be an Avalon look-alike, and we're about to get physical," Stella said, peeking inside with a concerned expression.

As Stella observed, Tecna remarked, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen something horrible."

The door opened further, revealing...


"Will you girls ever learn to get to class on time?" scolded Griselda.

"This is our magic self-defense class. Shouldn't our teacher be here?" Stella questioned as we entered.

"I am here, and consider yourself lucky. Without a teacher of my caliber, you don't stand a chance against the Trix," Griselda asserted.


"Now, you were up against an enemy much more powerful than you. This enemy has just cast a terribly destructive spell. What do you do?" Griselda inquired.

"We combine powers," Musa suggested.

"Too late, Musa. You've just been pulverized into oblivion. Young ladies, what you must do is dodge the attack," Griselda explained.

"Good thing she told us; otherwise, I would have just stood there till I finally got hit," Stella remarked.

"Miss Stella, since you already know it all, let's show the others how it's done. You try to attack me if you can," Griselda challenged.


We transformed into our fairy forms outside, attempting to hit Griselda, but it proved futile.

"Okay, everyone, your classmate Stella will demonstrate how to launch a successful attack. Stella, Francis, get in line, please," instructed Griselda.

"Who does Griselda think she is anyway? I mean, all that is left is some tacky green uniform, and we're ready for the army," Stella complained as she walked to the front.

"You really ought to save your breath for the fight, young lady. All right, then show me what you've got," scolded Griselda.

Stella unleashed a "Solar attack," but Griselda erected a shield, rendering the blast ineffective. Stella powered up for a stronger blow, but Griselda effortlessly reflected it, hitting Stella.

"You should have dodged it, Miss Stella. Now, attack all together," Griselda commanded.

"All right, let's go!" Musa said as we took off into the air, circling Griselda, who remained unfazed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked.

"Tecna, Flora, and Emerald attack," but Griselda created a barrier.

"That wasn't an ordinary barrier," observed Emerald.

"It was an immunity spell," Tecna explained.

"Let's see her try to block my power jab," Layla challenged, but it was also a fail.

I had enough; I concentrated, fueled by my anger from Avalon, and unleashed a powerful spell, but Griselda deflected it.

"Not bad, Caia, almost," remarked Griselda as I dropped down in exhaustion.

Next, Musa's attack was deflected with an opposite wave. All that remained was Bloom.

"Come on, Bloom. It's all up to you," urged Stella.

Bloom sent a blast, but Griselda caught it effortlessly.

Bloom seemed distracted.

"Professor, what kind of spell did you use?" Tecna questioned as we all landed.

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