The Supernatural Incident

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It had only been three days since the attack. School was stressing me out horribly. I had so much to catch up with.

Today, however, I got to push my stress aside.

Today was the day I'd meet the love of my life.

No. Not Eli.

Jensen Ackles, the actor for Dean freaking Winchester.

I was going to offer Riley my second ticket because she was the one who got me them and she was a huge stan. However, she told me she already got a ticket for herself. Blair hadn't watched Supernatural so she wasn't a fan. So I settled on inviting Eli.

He complained a lot at first, telling me it would be stupid. I told him he didn't have to come but he would be missing out on a gorgeous piece of human. In doing so, Eli immediately agreed, stating that compared to himself, Jensen Ackles was a peasant.

Oh, was this boy in for a surprise.

Dad sighed in relief, "Oh, thank god you're getting Riley out of here. She's been driving us all crazy."

"I heard that Mr. Lockhart!" Riley called from the hall, walking into the living room.

Dad muttered "Damn it," under his breath.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow morning I will be back with a lot of work for everyone to do," Riley smiled sarcastically.

"Ready to go, Buttercup?" Eli called from the doorway.

I gave Dad a hug before walking towards Eli. Riley glared at Dad before smiling at me and ushering Eli and me out of the house.

"I call shotgun," Eli and I yelled in unison.

Riley rolled her eyes, "Actually, both of you are sitting in the back and I'm having the front seats to myself."

Eli and I groaned before begrudgingly taking our seats in the back.

"I'm watching you two, don't try anything," Riley warned us, looking through the rearview mirror.

I stuck my tongue out at her as Eli slid closer towards me, a lazy smirk plastered across his face.

"Tie your seatbelt, you turd!" I scolded him.

"I like to live life on the edge," Eli pouted.

I raised a brow, "If you don't tie your belt I'm gonna smack away the remaining brain cells in your head."

We stood in line.

Waiting to meet the most beautiful men to grace the world. Jensen Ackles and of course his fictional brother, Jared Padalecki. I wished Misha Collins would be there too, but it was just Jensen and Jared.

Not that I was complaining though.

There was only one girl ahead of us. Riley and I began crying in pure joy. Eli was just rolling his eyes at us dramatically.

"Next!" Called a security guard.

Riley and I squealed before rushing into the room.

Then I saw him. I went paralyzed in awe.

"Can I hug you?" I asked Jensen.

Jensen laughed. God, that laugh was so attractive.

"Of course you can, gorgeous."

Oh my god, he called me gorgeous. 

I threw my arms around Jensen and urged Eli to take a picture. Eli looked quite annoyed and sighed before taking a photo.

Jensen leaned down to kiss my cheek and that was when Eli lost it, "Hey, man. That's my girl. Don't you get, touchy-feely."

Jensen raised his hands in protest, "Sorry buddy, I didn't mean anything like that."

I assured him that it was alright, sending Eli a glare. He sent one back at me.

Riley and I switched places. I gave Jared a hug, just as tight as I had given Jensen. I took a couple pictures and then we all sat down on the couches.

We talked a bit about the upcoming season. Riley and I were fangirling majorly. Jensen and Jared were absolute sweethearts. Eli had cooled it a bit but was still glaring at me.

It was, unfortunately, time for us to leave. Our session was over. Riley and I hugged our idols once more before Eli practically dragged us out of the room.

"Looks like someone's jealous," Riley commented, smirking.

Eli glared at her. She shrugged her shoulders, nudging me.

I looped an arm through Eli's, "Aw, babe. I love Jensen, but I could never love any guy in the world more than I love you."

"Tell me something I don't know," Eli smirked.

"You're a conceited butthole."

"I knew that though, Buttercup."

I smacked his shoulder.

He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it, "I love you. No man gets you other than me."

I playfully glared at him, "Don't worry, you're the only man for me. Besides. Jensen is married and has three children, so don't worry about it."

Eli muttered, "Thank god," under his breath.

We sat in the car. I rolled my eyes, resting my head against Eli's shoulder. Riley was wiggling her brows in the front seat. I shook my head at her.

"So when do you want to go to that One Direction meet and greet?" Riley asked over her shoulder.

"Now!" I shrieked.

"Never!" Eli yelled at the same time.

"Okay! Next week it is!" Riley laughed.

Eli groaned resting his head on top of mine.

I just loved these crazy people.



I don't know why, but I'm so excited right now!

I was looking at my writing and realized I never published the extra parts for you all to read here for free!

So, without further delay, today I am posting the extra parts, all written by yours truly, from five years ago!

I love you all so much!

Thank you for the continued support.

xx IceCat

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