Chapter 11 - The Drugstore Incident

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"You see my dearest nephew, Nathaniel here, chipped his daughter's phone and that allows me to track her location. I have three people surrounding your current location. Good luck getting out."

The call ended.

Well, crap.

"Eli? What the freaking hell do we do?" I whisper yelled.

"Don't be mad."

"About what?"

Eli filled a bowl with water and dropped my phone into it.

"Eli!" I yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Val, if your phone is functioning, Xavier can track us."

Shiz. RIP iPhone.

"Get dressed into an outfit that you can run in. Find me a Phillips screwdriver and we're going to willingly go with them," Eli ordered.

I wanted to argue but Eli sent me a look, "Trust me on this."

I reluctantly dashed back upstairs and followed Eli's instructions.

We met at the front entrance of the house. Eli took the screwdriver from me and tucked it into his pants.

I repeat. His. Pants.

"Are you good buddy?" I questioned.

"Don't worry I'm good, Buttercup," he laughed.

We casually unlocked the door and were met with three rifles.

Eli raised his hands, "Whoa there, fellas, we're coming willingly, no need to shoot us."

There was a man who looked like he was in his thirties. A girl who didn't look much older than Eli and I. And another man who had one of those faces that allowed him to pass for a teen even though he was probably much older.

They led us into their straight-from-the-90s-looking car that was parked in my driveway. Eli and I were forced to sit on either side of the girl at the back, while the older man and the younger man sat up front. The older man ordered for us to buckle our seatbelts as he started the engine.

Wow. Criminals caring about safety? Buckling seatbelts?

The three of them had made no effort to start up any conversation with us, so neither had we. We had been driving for a good thirty minutes, and the buildings were beginning to look a lot less familiar.

Where the hell were they taking us? Out of the city?

I was starting to get really antsy and bored, "Can we hear some tunes?" I asked.

Much to my surprise, the driver turned on the radio. Eli looked over at me and rolled his eyes playfully. We were handling the situation with an unreasonable amount of calmness.

I trusted that Eli would come up with something if I couldn't. We'd be all right. I hoped.

Another hour of driving and I was certain we were no longer in Victoria. I had only ever been out of Victoria to head to Florida with Dad to go to Disney World. Other than that, I had no clue where I was or where we were headed.

My stomach started to cramp. Horribly. That's when I understood that mother nature had decided to pay me a visit. I was ready to curse her, but then as I saw the sign of a drugstore nearby, I immediately thanked her.

This would be perfect.

"I need to go get something from the drugstore."

The man driving laughed humorlessly, "Why the hell would you assume we'd allow you to take a pit stop?"

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