Chapter 18 - The Triggering Incident

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"Dad?" I looked up in alarm.

This was not supposed to be happening. 

Dad and Riley were supposed to be finding something to blackmail Andrea with from her room or somewhere. Then they were supposed to show up to bargain. 

Dad sent me a smile, "Hey, Val."

"What the bloody hell is this?" Andrea seethed, "How did you get into my house?"

"I have my ways," Dad shrugged.

Smooth Dad, smooth.

"Elijah? You set this up, didn't you?" Xavier demanded.

Elijah looked between Dad and me, widening his eyes, trying to figure out what to say.

Dad cut in, "Elijah here had no part in this. We just followed Valerie here and managed to get in ourselves."

Xavier scoffed, "Don't try to lie, Nathaniel. We updated our security system, the only way you could have gotten in was with Elijah in the car."

Well, crud. That lie flopped.

"As I said over the phone, if this was another prank of yours, I'd force you to watch Valerie's brains be blown out," Andrea told Elijah.

Elijah stood up, pulling out a gun, "Don't even think about touching her. I won't hesitate to shoot you."

Andrea cackled, "Eli, darling, have a seat."

Eli remained standing, "Don't touch Val."

"I shall do whatever I please!" Andrea yelled, clapping her hands thrice and soon enough there were four other men walking into the room with their guns aimed at Eli. 

Okay, I needed people to listen to me at the clap of my hands. How the hell did Andrea get so many people to obey her every command?

We're all gonna die.

Andrea turned back to Dad, "This is your last chance, Nate, will you accept my offer?"

Dad laughed humorlessly, "I would kill myself before I ever agreed to marry you."

"Marry her?" Xavier exclaimed, then he turned to Andrea, "I thought you said you just wanted him for his money!"

"Shut up, Xavier, darling. I wanted you for your money."

Xavier stood there, gaping at Andrea. I sent him a look that said, I told you so!

Andrea stood up from her seat and strolled towards me, stroking a sharp fingernail down my cheek. My heart was racing involuntarily. 

"Well, since you have yet again, denied my offer, I shall torture pretty Val over here until you give in," Andrea sighed.

Um. I did not sign up for this.

I attempted to stand up but was immediately pushed back down by another one of Andrea's slaves. It was a girl who couldn't have been much older than I was. Where the hell did she come from? She was quick to tape my arms to the chair I was sat on and disappeared out of the hall. 

I thrashed around, trying to get out. No use.

Screw duct tape.

I sent Dad a pleading gaze. He scrunched up his nose, his way of saying, everything would be just fine.

Yeah, I don't think so, Dad!

Andrea glared at Dad again before turning towards me and slapping me across the face.

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