The Prom Incident (Andrea's POV)

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"Andrea, darling, are you ready?"

"I'll be down in a minute, Mom!"

I tugged at my dress, staring at myself in the mirror. Nate had told me to call him as soon as I was ready to be picked up. I analyzed my makeup once more before dialling his number.

"Hey, Nate, I'm ready!" I told him, beaming. Prom was going to be amazing.

Nate was silent for a moment.

"Nate?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hey, Drea. I just don't know how to say this," Nate muttered.

"You can tell me anything, babe," I assured him.

He was quiet again before he spoke, "Drea, I'm so sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it to prom. I'm feeling really sick and my mother told me to stay home."

I frowned. He seemed perfectly fine the day before. Guess sometimes you just get hit with that feeling.

"That's okay, I hope you feel better," I sighed, "Call me whenever you feel better or if you need anything."

"Thanks, Drea, again I'm so sorry. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up and fell back onto my bed.

I was really disappointed. I had spent hundreds of dollars on my hair, makeup and outfit. God knows how many hours I spent feeling excited and nervous for prom.

Mom walked into my room, "Andrea! What are you doing? You're going to damage your dress!"

I slowly sat up, frowning, "Mom, Nate cancelled."

"What? Why?" Mom gasped, sitting beside me and holding my hand.

"He says he's feeling really ill," I shrugged.

Mom nodded sympathetically, "Tell you what, sweetie. I'll drive you to prom, you shouldn't have to miss out on such a big event because of a boy."

"But, Mom, I'll be the only one without a date!" I complained.

"Trust me, there will be a lot of singles. You can talk to one of your friends."

Funny. She thought I had friends.

I smiled tightly, "Can I have a couple of minutes to think about it?"

Mom nodded, squeezing my hand before exiting my room, "Give me a shout when you're ready."

I lay back down, weighing my options.

I could stay home, curl up in some sweats, eat junk and watch Friends. Or, I could get up, go to prom, dance and take some pictures.

Staying at home sounded much better, but prom was something that only happened once.

I made my decision.

"Mom, I'm coming!"

I rushed down the stairs, clutching my dress in my hands so that I wouldn't fall.

Mom had tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Mom?" I asked.

Mom sniffled, wiping her tears, "Yes. It's just you're growing up so fast."

"Stop crying or else I'm going to ruin my mascara," I laughed.

Mom dabbed her eyes once more before asking me to pose for a couple of pictures. I finally managed to get her to stop with the polaroids and get into the car. We drove, listening to the music on the radio and chatting about how my future awaited.

I was going to become an interior designer, I always had a thing for art and decoration. Big things were headed my way.

Mom dropped me off at the hall, kissing me goodbye.

I watched a couple of couples enter the hall, feeling nervous and upset. I really wished Nate was there. I shook myself, telling myself it would be okay.

I walked into the hall instantly blown away by the decor. The hall was exquisite. The music was blaring so loudly, I could feel the beats in my chest. I looked around for familiar faces but everyone was dancing with their dates.

I headed to the snack bar, grabbing a glass of punch and a cookie. I was just minding my own business when Bethany decided to stroll in beside me. I tried my best not to clench my jaw.

I hated her. She had made life at school hell for me.

"Hey, Drea," Bethany smiled.

"What do you want?" I snapped, taking a sip of my punch.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you how you're dealing with the whole Nate situation. It must really hurt."

"I'm fine, his health matters much more to me than him coming here," I shrugged, ready to turn away.

Why was she acting so sweet to me?

Bethany grabbed my arm gently, "Wait, you haven't seen him?"

"Of course not, he's not here."

Bethany's infamous smirk spread across her face, "Oh, you poor puppy, he's right there."

Bethany turned me so that I was facing the dance floor. I looked around in confusion. I couldn't see him.

"Just leave me alone, he's not here."

Bethany shook her head, "Look a little closer, he's not alone, I'll tell you that."

I looked again. Then I saw him and it made my heart drop.

Nate had his arms wrapped around a petite girl, with dark brown hair and lanky legs. She wore a dress that was way too tight. Not only were his arms wrapped around her, but his mouth was pressed against hers. She had her hands tangled in his hair.

What the hell?

"You see him now?" Bethany asked.

I glared at her as my eyes began to fill with tears. But then I mentally smacked myself. I was not going to cry when my boyfriend had cheated on me. I was going to be angry.

I placed my punch on the snack table before making my way through sweaty bodies until I stood right in front of Nate and the girl. As I looked closer, I realized it was Julia. Bethany's best friend. My jaw clenched and my fists curled up in anger.

"Nate!" I yelled over the music.

He pulled away from Julia after a moment looking around to see who had called him. I slapped him across the cheek.

"Jeez, what was that fo-"

Then he turned around and saw me. I watched as his angered expression softened into panic. Julia glared at me.

"Drea, I didn't think you would come," Nate blurted.

"I wasn't going to, but I'm glad to know that you were wasting your night with this lanky tight-dressed puppy," I snapped.

"I'm so sorry, Drea. It meant nothing."

Julia slapped Nate, "What the hell, Nathaniel!"

"It's okay, Nathaniel. I forgive you. But this girl on the other hand? She's going to pay."

Julia turned to me, "Hey! It's not my fault he likes me better than you! It takes two people to cheat!"

I seethed, trying not to act out. We had drawn a small crowd. I clenched and unclenched my fists. I didn't want to make a scene. So, I turned away, rushing out of the hall.

I dialled Mom's number as my hands trembled in fury.

I was going to get revenge.

Not on Nate.


I loved him too much.

Julia was right. Cheating took two people.

I was going to get revenge on her.

She had better hide or be prepared to fight because she was going to pay.

With her life.

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