Chapter 10 - The Missing Person Incident

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I texted Dad.

Ten times.

No answer.

I called him.


Same response. None at all.

I was starting to worry. Dad usually got home by three in the morning at the latest. It was now eleven the next morning. Eli was still out. Dad never came home.

I was bored out of my mind. I hated to admit it, but school actually made my day have some purpose to it. Playing dead wasn't exactly fun. I couldn't even text Riles.

I still felt horrible about what I had said to Eli about Xavier. I never realized how important Xavier must have been to Eli. Even if Dad had somehow become a criminal or a serial killer, I wouldn't want him to die.

I spent the rest of the morning eating junk from the pantry and watching Supernatural and a couple of videos on YouTube.

It was five in the evening, and I was really starting to get paranoid. What if something had happened to Dad? He would have at least texted to check in with me. I knew Eli was still mad at me for what I had said, but he was the only other person I could call right now.

He answered after the sixth ring.


I heard Eli exhale, "What is it, Val?"

"My dad hasn't gotten home yet."

Eli sighed, he sounded really annoyed, "Doesn't he come home at like two in the morning or something?"

"That's the thing. Eli, he never came back yesterday. He left when you were here and he never came back. I've texted him and called him, he's not responding."

"That can't be good," Eli muttered.

Then he hung up.

Um...thanks for the help Eli?!

I knew he was still mad, but I thought he'd at least be willing to help me. I called Dad once more. Once again, I was met with his voicemail. This was getting ridiculous. I really hoped he wasn't hurt. I wanted to run to the station and check on him, but I couldn't leave the bloody house.

I decided to make use of my time and went down to the basement to practice some kicks and punches. I was drenched in sweat, my muscles burning, but I kept punching. I just wished everything could back to the way it was three weeks ago. I wasn't worried about being killed. Scarlett was still my friend. My only stress was school.

"Are your thumbs tucked into your palms? Cuz if they are you're gonna shatter them."

I swung around and was ready to attack the intruder.

I found myself looking up at two blue eyes.

I swore my heart nearly fell out of my rib cage. I had been blaring my music so, I didn't hear him walk in.

"Eli! Damn you! You've got to stop scaring me."

"I was just checking to see if you were throwing your punches correctly."

"Well, I was, I know how to clench my fists. Also, why the hell did you hang up without an explanation?" I asked.

"I went down to the station. Your dad wasn't there," Eli told me.

I started to pace, "What if he's in danger? What if he's hurt? What if...what if he's dead?" I cried.

Eli placed his hands on my shoulders, stilling my pacing, "Hey, the list of what ifs could go on, you need to think positively. He's the greatest cop in the city, isn't he? I'm sure he knows how to handle himself."

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