Chapter 13 - The Drowning Incident

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Xavier grabbed ahold of me and began to lead me down the hallway. I was weaponless. We went up the flight of stairs, the two men trailing close behind. Soon enough, after turning left, right and then right again through the hallways of the ground floor, I found myself standing before what I assumed would be the dining hall. The two men stood at the entrance and Xavier led me into the hall.

There was a long table in the center of the hall, it looked like the ones that kings and queens had in their castles in the movies. At the head of the table sat a woman. She couldn't have been much older than thirty. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair appeared silky and lush even from my distance and her eyes were a striking shade of blue. As she heard us approach she looked up and flashed me a wicked grin.

Who the hell was she?

Xavier pushed me to stand in front of the woman, keeping a good grip on my shoulders.

The woman stood up, "Valerie, my darling. It's so nice to finally meet you! I am Andrea, Xavier's wife. How are you?"

Xavier was capable of love? Shocker.

I kept quiet, and before I knew it, Andrea's palm made contact with my cheek, "When someone talks to you, you should reply. Has your dad not taught you manners?"

I gritted my teeth, my cheek stung, I already hated her, "Why am I here?"

Andrea laughed, patting my cheek, I wanted to bite her hand off, "To help, what's the word? Convince. Yes, you're here to convince your lovely father to give in to me and do as I ask. He should know I always get my way."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"When the past is left unresolved, it bleeds like ink, destroying every page and chapter to follow. You better fix the problem before it seeps in and ruins the entire book."

Who was she? Modern day Shakespeare?

"What did my dad ever do to you? Why can't you leave us the hell alone?" I yelled.

Andrea sat down, sighing, "He ruined my life. And you will convince him to submit himself to me."

She motioned for Xavier to bring me closer. I soon found my head bent so that she could whisper in my ear without Xavier hearing anything, "I was your father's, first love. We dated for years. Then he broke up with me for your filthy little mother. You must convince your father to marry me because he broke my heart when we were in high school."

What the hell?

This woman was psychotic. If she thought Dad would ever marry her, after losing Mom, she was fooling herself. Dad had never even mentioned her, what made her think he would ever marry her? She needed to get over herself. A high school relationship that ended? And she was still after the man? While she was married? Freaking psycho.

"So, will you help me, dearest Valerie? You just need to convince your dad, I know he will listen to you. You are the only person he cares for anymore," Andrea inquired, moving away from my ear.

"I will do nothing of the sort," I snapped, clenching my fists.

Andrea clenched her jaw, "I will ask you this once more, will you help me, Valerie? Think wisely. I am the one behind all the threats. I killed your mother. I can make your life hell."

She had done it? Not Xavier? She was the psychotic mastermind of the whole damn thing? Yeah. No way I was helping her.

"I will say this one more, I will do nothing of the sort," I mocked, glaring at the lunatic before me.

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