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Word count: 927.
Warning: talking about killing.

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Lisa sat on her comfortable desk chair, staring at her computer screen while she turned her chair left and right as it was a spiny one. Lisa was reading about the last murders in WoodsBoro, the town she lived in. She wrote down details that she deemed important, finding it interesting about why they killed, what their motives were and how they killed. Lisa was reading about Stuart, who was known as Stu, Macher. He was one of the originals ghost-faces, and his motive was apparently peer-pressure but Lisa didn't think so, she just guessed he was a straight up psycho.

In all honesty, she still loved him, not only because his way of killing way creative but because she thought that his motive was powered by something else, but she had no idea what that something was. She had thought of many different motives that Stu could have used but none seemed right. Revenge? No, he didn't need to revenge any one. Money? He had a rich ass family. Bored? Most likely the case. A complete psycho? Lisa just thought of this one, because there was no other explanation.

Lisa Roberts was a huge fan of horror, mainly because of the gory movies that she had seen since she was younger. Not only was Lisa a huge fan, so was her best friend, Mindy Meeks-Martin. Mindy was related to Randy Meeks, who had gotten killed by Nancy Loomis for getting revenge on Sidney for taking her son, Billy Loomis's, life. Lisa had previously researched about Billy, as he was also one of the original ghost-faces as his accomplice was Stu. Billy killed for revenge, he killed because he felt lonely and he felt that others should suffer as well.

In Lisa's opinion it was kinda weird but cool, definitely not fun for her Aunt Sidney though. Lisa Robert was also related to someone for the original massacres. She was Sidney Prescott and Roman Bridger's niece, unfortunately for Lisa she couldn't meet her uncle as he had died but she would have loved if he was still alive. Seeing a message pop up on her laptop screen, Lisa stops reading an article. Opening the message, Lisa quickly scanned over it, seeing as it was a text from her lovely girlfriend, Amber. Looking around her room for her phone, Lisa realised that she left it on charger in the kitchen.

Getting up, Lisa stepped over millions and millions of piles of books, that held notes in them for school but some were just holding random details about Ghostface killers and other things. Opening her door, Lisa closed it, not wanting anyone to go into her room even if she lived with an adoptive mother, who was rarely home due to whorling as a nurse. Walking down the stairs, Lisa arrived in the kitchen. Grabbing her phone Lisa put in her older sisters birthday, since it was her passcode, to unlock it to reply to Amber. Lisa loved her older sister, Jill, very much before she had died.

One thing Lisa didn't know is why she still loved Jill, she killed a bunch of people for fame, but she still loved her. Maybe it was because Jill didn't kill her, or maybe it was because they had gone close over the years that Jill had been alive. Opening her messages, Lisa takes her phone off charger as it was nearly full. Looking down at her screen, Lisa smiled because Amber was always so sweet to her.

'Hey :), I know you're probably asleep or something but I got some new info about a ghostface killer.' The message said, Lisa's eyes lighting up due to the brightness her phone was on. Texting back immediately, Lisa walked back to her room, looking up and down every coup,e of seconds to jot step on a book or something. 'What is it?'
Lisa texted back, sitting back down on her chair and leaning back on it. 'Stu Macher, it says he is the least known out of him and Billy and he has a sister named Leslie, and Vince is his nephew.' Amber explained.

'Really? I would never guessed he was related to Stu. He's a lucky shit for that.' Lisa replied back, happy about new information she had gotten. 'You're related to Jill, aren't you happy about that?' Amber questioned, knowing Lisa was related to Jill because it was quite obvious due to the last name that they shared. 'Still love my sister, rest in peace🫶🏼.' Lisa responded, now going back to work but being stopped a couple of seconds later. 'Are you going to bed? It's getting late, and we have school.' Amber asked, caring so much for her girlfriend. 'Yep! Summing up the last bit for Stu, then I'll go to bed.' Lisa told her, smiling at how caring Amber could be.

'Night baby! :)).' Amber replied, as Lisa looked back at her laptop screen and finished her last sentence for the joint before heading to bed. A little while later, Lisa had gone to bed still thinking about the new information she had gotten. Smiling, Lisa thought about Amber because she truly cared and loved her so much because she felt more than a friend, like lovers and they were lovers. As Lisa feel asleep peacefully, what she didn't know is that one of her best friends would be getting attacked a couple of streets over from hers.

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Author note:
Rewriting this book because it was annoying me!

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