002, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2, the hospital.

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Word count: 754.
Warnings: none really.
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Everyone was in Tara's hospital room, checking to see if she was okay which she was, she was in a lot of pain though. Lisa and Amber were chatting to each other, when the door to the room opened. Turing their heads, everyone spotted Sam walking in. Everyone stood up, as Lisa's hand was still in Tara's for support because they were really great friends and needed to be there for one another. "How are you feeling?" Sam asked, walking into the room and quickly walking over to her younger sister. "You came." Tara stated, it barely being audible since the machine next to her beeped very loudly. "Of course I came." Sam sweetly stated, missing her sister her much.

"This is my boyfriend, Richie." She introduced the other guy to the group of teenagers. "It's nice to meet you, I'm so sorry if I'm intruding." He walked over to Tara and Sam, the latter moving to greet the teens she hadn't seen in a while. "Thank you for calling." Sam told Wes, pulling him in for a hug while appreciating the call. "Of course." He replied, hugging her back. "Look at your hair, I like it!" She complimented, seeing how Wes' hair colour was different from the last time she had seen him.

Sam then walked back over to Richie, intruding everyone else to him. "These are Chas and Mindy, the twins. Wes, and over there is Lisa. I used ti babysit them all, well mostly Lisa since he mom had... umm, yeah." Sam trailed off, as Mindy and Chad waved in sync. "Which is how I always liked to be introduced." Wes commented, which made Lisa let out a small giggle. Squeezing past Amber, Lisa made her way over to Sam. Going in for a huge hug, Lisa s,lied because she missed Sam so much.

"Sam, hey. It's okay, you can tell him, I don't care I was like three when it happened." Lisa admitted, finishing the hug with Sam. Walking back to her original spot, Lisa quickly placed a kiss on Amber's lips because she knew the girl didn't like Sam at all. "And Amber, hey." Sam stated, seeing the dark brown haired girl. Amber just nodded in Sam's direction, already sick of her being there. Amber then smiled as she turned towards Lisa, appreciating how their girlfriend was so caring.

"Hi, nice to see you." Amber voiced, not really wanting to say it but she knew she had to. "Hi, I'm Richie." The guy introduced himself, as Lisa giggled because another nickname for Richie or Richard was Dick, so she found it a bit funny. "Hi, sorry about her, she has dark humour." Amber apologies, as Sam looked around that room for some one else she thought would be there. "Where's mom?" Sam asked, not seeing her in the room. "She's stuck at a conference in London." Tara explained, while Lisa's hand held Tara's because she knew that her mom wasn't there very often.

"She called me earlier." Tara told Sam, as Amber moved closer to Lisa to maker herself feel more comfortable with Sam. "Yeah, for all of ten minutes." Amber argues, but was grabbed lightly by Lisa telling her to not make Tara feel worse. "Uh, look guys. Tara's really tired, maybe we should just give her some space." Amber suggested, one of her arms now around Lisa. Everyone agreed with this, and started to walk out of the room to give her the space that was needed. "Not you, Sam." Tara stated, knowing what her sister was probably thinking. "But the rest, yeah." Chad exclaimed, clearly getting the message.

"If it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight." Sam suggested, seeing as she missed her sister and Tara missed her. "I'd really like that." Tara admitted, nodding her head while she spoke. "Do you have your extra inhaler?" Lisa asked, seeing as she cared for Tara Carpenter. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Tara told her, as Amber picked up her phone as well as Lisa's. "Okay." Lisa replied, as Amber pulled Lisa along with her out the room. "Bye." Amber whispered out. "Okay, I'll be right outside." Richie told Sam, tapping her shoulder to get her attention and to give the two sisters space. "Thank you." Sam replied, getting a quick bye from Richie as he went out the door, shutting on the way out

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Author note:
Kinda changing the script a bit but that's okay!

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