004, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4.

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004, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4.
Suspect... again!


★。/|\。★Word count: 1103

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Word count: 1103.
Warnings: swearing, Ethan's weird-ass over share.

"Wait, any of us?" Ethan asked, putting on his innocent act even if he wanted to kill any one in the group right then and there. "Yeah." Mindy replied, her hands lying on top of each other. "Am... Am I in the friend group?" Ethan stammered out the question, kinda scarred to know the answer even if he was a Ghostface himself. "Yeah." Mindy repeated, as Lisa didn't know what to do because she knew she sure as hell didn't want to die at all that years because she at least wanted to see Sidney again. "Am I, like, one of the targets?" Ethan asked, as he looked around with his pure innocent act on.

"Mm-hmm." Mindy hummed out, nodding her head a little. "Am... Am I gonna die a virgin?" He questioned, not knowing if that came out on accident or on purpose but it added onto his little scheme. "That was a weird over share, but that brings us to our current suspects." Mindy commented as many people looked at each other because they were so confused by Ethan in that moment. "Ethan. The shy, dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy walked up to him, as Lisa stayed in her spot thinking.

"Why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" Ethan asked, not really seeing it and also he got kinda scared because Mindy was actually good at guessing who was the killer. "Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us." Mindy pointed out, explaining her answer some more. "But look at him, he's just so cute. How can he be the killer?" Lisa asked, walking over next to Ethan to put her face next to his and give Mindy a huge puppy pout to make her feel bad.

"You're also on the suspect list because you never trust the love interest, Lisa." Mindy reprimanded Lisa, looking back before walking away and over to Quinn and Anika, who were sitting next to each other with the latter being in Sam's right. "Quinn. The slutty roommate. A horror movie... classic!" Mindy told her, bringing her pinched fingers up and chef kissing them. "Sex positive, but thank you?" Quinn look confused as fuck, not understanding how Mindy knew it was her and Ethan, although Mindy herself wasn't too sure because it was just a suspect list. "Mm-hmm. Uh, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy questioned, as many people walked past the group, not playing attention to them at all.

"I answered their ad online." Quinn replied, as Sam looked over at the little orange haired girl and nodded in confirmation. "Okay, say no more! You've already implicated yourself enough." Mindy exclaimed, it coming out more like a yell because of how loud she was being. "It was an anonymous ad, Mindy." Tara stuck up for Quinn, trying to help out. "And you know we vetted her, plus her dad is a cop." Tara reasoned, as herself shifted as well as Ethan because they were uncomfortable for sitting down too long on a wooden bench.

"And that makes it more likely that she's the killer, because having a cop dad is a great cover. Do you not remember how these movies work, Tara?" Mindy questioned, getting more aggressive as she moved into Tara's bubble which made her uncomfortable and move back because of how close Mindy way to her. "Is she always like this?" Quinn asked, as Sam just a shrug and a small nod to confirm she was. "Okay, Mindy, calm down. This isn't a interrogation." Lisa told her best friend, pulling in her jacket arm lightly to tell her to calm down a tiny bit.

"And finally, Anika." Mindy moved on, walking back over to her girlfriend, who she really loved so much. Anika smiled, her pulling up into a happy expression while she sent Mindy a kiss, which she returned before speaking again. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy established, this made Anika's face fall, a frown now on her face because Mindy couldn't really think that she was Ghostface, I mean Anika couldn't hurt a fly even if it was for her life. "Okay, so we have our rules and we have our suspects." Sam concluded, getting rid of some awkward tension in the air around them.

"Wait, wait, wait. What about you guys?" Ethan asked, pointing to the others in the friend group, who weren't a suspect. "I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the five of us, who went through this last year in WoodsBoro." Mindy told him, everyone looking at him as Lisa shivered due to the horrible memories in her mind of the three days last year. "Agreed." Chad told Mindy, pointing his pencil at her with a small smile in his face. "Um, not agreed." Quinn interrupted, not happy with the list of suspects because Mindy was actually pretty good at guessing.

"What if the trauma you all went through caused one, or more of you to snap?" Quinn added on, acting as if it wasn't fair, which is really wasn't. "Yeah, or the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more." Ethan continued, as Lisa grabbed her navy blue messenger bag, taking out her medicine to take before she had forgotten to take them the night before had with everything going on. "I mean, let's be honest here, some of the theories online about Sam are...." Ethan trailed off, but got cut off by Tara, who sent him a death glare.

"Don't you fucking dare." Tara warned him, not wanting any one to shit talk her sister or any of her friends, who felt like  family, because other wise she would actually go and kill them for messing with them. "Okay, she's right though. I mean, face facts if we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika joined in, waving her hand around to the group to make her point known and it was. "I'll catch up with you all later, I'm meeting Rory at a coffee shop near by. See ya!" Lisa told them, walking away as she had opened her phone to check the time and realised her later plans. Waving a hand at her friends, Lisa smiled and went down the path, making her way to find Rory at a cute little cafe they both found.

Author note:
Finally finishing this before finishing my other books!

★。/|\。★Author note:Finally finishing this before finishing my other books!★。/|\。★

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