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As police arrived to the scene, Mimdy, Tara, Lisa and Chad were out onto stretchers and had been put into an ambulance since they all had pretty bad injuries. Lisa and Chad were in the worst conditions, the latter nearly dying and the former going in and out of consciousness a lot. Sidney and Gale sat on the end of Lisa's ambulance, waiting with her as Sam came up to talk to them. "Sam? I can see them too." Lisa looked up from her hands, that were on her lap and send the older girl a small smile.

Sam just stopped and looked at her in the reflection that showed herself and Billy there, so Sam turned around a returned the smile as they felt like sisters more than friends to each other. "Sid? How am I gonna keep fighting?" Lisa asked, not knowing how she could survive since Dewey and Wes were there anymore. "I don't know, but you will. I promise." Sidney confirmed, holding onto one of Lisa's hands as Gale held the other one, knowing they had to keep her safe. Gale just smiled down at Lisa, the latter happy to see her favourite people.

"You both feel like family." Lisa told the, giving them a weak squeeze in the hand as the ambulance drive them to a hospital to get the teens in a stable condition. "That's cause we are, sweetie." Gale told her, giving her hand a small squeeze back as she looked at Sidney, who smiled because they were all family and would always be no matter what. Months pass after the incident at WoodsBoro and the group end up finishings school, as Sam decided ti stay and wait for them.

Sidney had to unfortunately go back to her family, so Lisa called her every day, if not twice a week, to check in and see if each other were okay. Gale stayed for a while before moving to New York City to do some type of journalism, finding a new partner that made her feel safe, but not as safe as how Dewey made her feel. Lisa decided she wanted ti become an Archaeologist because she loved history, Tara and Chad didn't have ideas on what they wanted to do, but Mindy had a couple.

The teens just wanted a new and clam year after what Richie and Amber did, but unfortunately they didn't get one. So when they moved to New York to go to collage, and find new friends, what will happen when three new Ghostfaces appear out of no where and create another massacre? What will they do? Who will die? Who will live? Do they find new lovers? And are the Ghostfaces people they know?

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