007, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7, a requel?

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Word count: 1570.
Warnings: swearing.
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"So how do you know so much about the Stab movies?" Richie asked, as him, Sam and the older man entered the Meeks-Martin residence. "Runs in her family." Dewey answered for Mindy, knowing her mother. "Randy was our uncle, RIP." Mindy summed up, kissing her finger and holding them to Randy's big ass photo as she walked past it. "You said to bring every body." Mindy exclaimed, as Sam looked around the room, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Chad just gave a small wave to Sam, as she looked his way. "Sam!" Lisa exclaimed, seeing the older girl and waving at her with a smile.

"Ohhh, suspects." Martha stated, entering the room with a tray filled with different kinds of snacks anybody wanted to eat. "My brother would be so proud." Martha set down the tray onto the coffee table. "Hey Martha." Dewey called out, as Martha brung him into a hug because they hadn't seen each in a very long time. "Dewey, hi! You look.... How's the wife?" Martha tried to make a conversation, but got a yeah in response due to Dewey being uncomfortable. "Okay, mom. We're good, thank you." Chad told his mom, seeing how the conversation was awkward.

"All right kids, have fun." She tells them, walking out of the room to let them due whatever they needed to do. Chad just pulled a thumbs up to her, a small smile on his face as he did so. "I asked Mindy to call every one here because there's something I have to tell you." Sam states, taking a deep breath to make sure she was hundred percent about doing it. Many minutes, nearly an hour, passed as Sam explained everything that happened and why it was possibly happening. "So, let me get this straight. You're saying that you're the daughter of Billy Loomis, and what? One of us are the killer?" Chad summed up, as Sam finished her presentation about Billy.

"The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Tara ti lure me back here." Sam explained, as both Mindy and Lisa looked very into it because they were hug horror fans. "But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv?" Chad asked, not seeing how anything connected. "And why does it have to be one of us?" Wes questioned, not seeing how it was anyone in the friend group. "Why about Deputy Dewey over here? Maybe, he's the killer. No offence." Wes makes an assumption, then added the last part due ti Dewey's weird look that got sent his way.

"None taken, but what's my motive?" Dewey asked, not taking much offence to it because any body could be the killer at that point in time. "You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say that you're on the spect list." Wes summed up, but Lisa was furious because if anything Dewey was so amazing. "Well, maybe you're the killer because that cut deep." Dewey told Wes, it actually hurting him a little bit.

"You didn't just go there Wes, did you? Dewey's the sweetest person I have met, he's looked after me for years and if any one makes another assumption about him, I will end your destiny now." Lisa pointed towards the blonde haired boy, making him tense up and lean backwards in his seat. "But that douche-nozzle is connected." Lisa told everybody, sending Dewey a huge smile because she felt like she hadn't seen him a what felt like forever. "I goggled him, his mom is Leslie Macher, Stu Macher's sister." Amber explained, seeing how pope Le were confused.

"Who's Stu Macher?" Liv asked, not remembering who he was. "Oh, my god. This bitch is so dumb." Lisa muttered, but Amber had heard it as she was right next to her. "He's Bully Loomis' accomplice, a real loony tune." Dewey confirmed, remembering the dead killer as he was annoying but funny, and a bit weird. "Okay, okay, so the first there attacks are all on people related to the original killers." Sam stated, seeing if there was pattern, which there was. "Oh, my god. He's making a requel!" Mindy excitedly screamed, happy to intervene with some thing she actually knew so much about.

"Why are we guessing the killers are a he? Because my sister was one, same with Nancy but all the Ghostfaces could be a girl!" Lisa told Mandy, seeing how they could be misgendering the killer but who would care about that right now? "I'm not gonna ask why you are thinking about that, and instead focus on what Mindy has to say." Amber muttered to Lisa, leaning back into the chair as Lisa stayed in the chair part of it. "A what?" Sam asked, confused as hell as everyone else was. "Or a legacyquel, fans are torn on the terminology." Lisa added on, knowing what Minry was talking about but no one else knew.

"Please speak English, you two." Chad begged, not understanding what the hell they were saying. "Okay, remembrance that Stab movie that came out last year?" Mindy inquired, as Liv got excited because she actually liked that movie. "Oh, yeah! The one the knives-out guy directed, right? I actually really liked that one." Liv states, telling the truth but of course Mindy had to say otherwise. "Of course you did, you have terrible taste." Mindy established, not at all liking the movie since it was shit in her opinion.

"It was just sad how they made it, Stab movies should be about blood and death and not the while fucking storyline." Lisa explained, as Mindy nodded her head to the girl who made a great point. "I hate you two." Lv mumbled, seeing how they both ganged up on her to put her words to shame. "The point is, the hard-core Stab fans, like Lisa, hated it." Mindy continued, moving her hand back towards Lisa, who waved at her with a skill on her face. "You go on 4chan and Dreadit, all they're talking about is how Stab 8 pissed on their childhood." Mindy exclaimed, rushing over her words.

"How they crammed social commentary just to ,see it elevated, how the main character's a Mary-Sue." Mindy pointed out, stumbling her words out since she had waited her whole life to speak about her love for horror movies. "What's a Mary-Sue?" Richie asked, wanting to know since he didn't understand. "You really don't want to know." Wes told him, shaking his head at the memory. "What's wrong with elevated horror? I mean, Jordan Peele fucking rules." Amber questioned, making a new fact in the room.

"Obviously, but it's not Stab." Lisa told Amber, knowing she didn't really like gore horror movies just elevated ones. "Exactly, real Stab movies are meta slasher who dun its, full stop." Mindy explained further, seeing how none one shared the same love that Lisa and her did for horror films. "Come on, it's just a movie." Sam tried to reason, not seeing the point for it. "No, they aren't. To some people, like me, the original is their favourite thing in the world. The movie that made them get into horror in the first place." Lisa rebutted, halving a clear understanding of all of it.

"That their mom and dad showed to them when they were little that had bonded them together and God help anyone who fucks with that very special memory." Lisa went on, seeing as the Stab movies were her favourite thing because when she was little, her mom had shown them to her and the memory was so precious to her since her mom was dead. "Who makes a movie they think disrespects it, it sounds like our killer is writing his own version of Stab 8, but doing it as a requel." Mindy finished up, eventually standing up. "Which is?" Dewey asked, very confused as Mindy or Lisa hadn't explained what it actually was.

"See, you can't just reboot a franchise from start anymore, the fans won't stand for it. Black Christmas, Childs Play, Flatliners. That shit doesn't work." Mindy elaborated, moving her hands around to get the point across. "But you can't just do a straight sequel either." Lisa commented, now everyone was listening to the both of them. "Yep, you got to build some thing new but not too new, or the internet goes bug fucking nuts." Mindy tells them, as Lisa stood up from the couch to join Mindy in explaining. "It's gotta be apart of an ongoing storyline, even if the story shouldn't be ongoing in the first place."  Lisa finished up.

"New main characters? Yes, but supported by and related to legacy characters. Not quite a reboot and not quite a sequel." Mindy confirmed, as Lisa joined her at the front of the living room. "Like the new Halloween, Saw, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters. Fuck even Star Wars! It always, always goes back to the original!" Lisa finished, picking up the Stab movie that was lying on the coffee table, which was always in use since Lisa and Mindy watched it a millions times in a week.

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Author note:
Any one else had to explain what a requel is to others?
Nope, okay then just me!
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