3- the story of us

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"Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking"

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"Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking"


present time- August 2022; narrative 

"So this morning I was making my eggs and the yolk was a double yolk which means good luck." I explained to Gabbie as we walked to the gym.

"It was meant to be." Coach Lisa exclaimed overhearing our conversation. I rolled my eyes. It was an important story to be told.

"Hopefully your double yolk means we won't barge in on the cheerleaders again." Kate complained. We all felt bad when we ruined their practices but usually we had no choice. We needed more practice.

When we walked in the cheerleaders were spread out across the floor stretching. I stood with Gabbie, continuing to talk about my eggs. Our coaches talked and when we got the okay I walked into the locker room, ignoring the girls. They all gave us looks, some dirty looks because they were irritated with how little practice they got and some were just looking at us, looks of very gay girls. I walked into the locker room, ignoring the usual stares I got and keeping my eyes focused ahead of me.

"Have any of you met the new cheerleader?" Kate asked, sitting down and looking at her phone. Most of us were changing or doing our hair but Kate always came ready so she just used the time to scroll on instagram.

"I liked her post but haven't met her yet." Monika chimed into the conversation. I didn't get the big deal. We barely spoke to the cheerleaders outside of games so who cares if she's new.

"She's so pretty." Gabbie fawned, a few girls started to crowd around Kate's phone, scrolling through this new cheerleaders account. I still stayed out of the conversation, putting my hair into a bun and walking over to the door. All the girls were still wrapped up looking at her account.

"Let's go." I said confused. Once they realized I was just standing there waiting they scrambled to the door, Kate putting her phone into her bag and coming to walk next to me. We walked out, a few cheerleaders still packing up their stuff but the gym was mostly empty. We walked towards the ball cart, a few girls talking by it. What was up with them today? Practice wasn't that bad.

"You know the new cheerleader is bi, she has it in her bio." I turned to Kate with a bewildered expression. Of course they were gonna try and set me up with the new girl. "Come on Cait, you haven't dated anyone the whole time I've known you."

I laughed. Kate had only known me for just over two years and she was right. I haven't dated anyone since high school. That's just how I liked it. I had a few 'talking stages' but nothing was ever good enough to me. No one was ever as good as she was so what's the point.

"That's how I like it." We got closer to the cart, a few girls still surrounding it. Kate groaned, obviously annoyed with me but she knew I wouldn't budge.

"Kate, Cece come meet the new cheerleader." Gabbie screamed from the group surrounding the cart. Kate's face lit up and she ran towards the group. All of them acting like fangirls over this one new girl. Seriously, what was so special about her?

twenty two- Caitlin ClarkWhere stories live. Discover now