You look good

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My stepmom had been leaving in a secluded area so I was amazed at the beauty of the houses, people, lots of other cars and everything else. I glanced at Gabriel at intervals but he just looked straight ahead. He had wore me the seatbelt but he didn't wear his.
   I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't because his face looked too serious, I was scared he'd ignore me or yell at me.

The car finally pulled up in front of a huge building, I guessed it was the school as I saw Gabriel open the door and stepped out. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and waved at the driver before going out, immediately I got down, the car drove off.

I hurried to Gabriel's side, he stood with his hands in his pockets. I looked up and boldly written above the gate was the school's name * Stay Green int'l school * Wow.... The name made me question but it was really unique, perhaps I'll get used to it and it wouldn't seem so strange anymore.

I saw alot of students going into the school as well, most turned around to look at us ' Was I that attractive?' I thought but then realized it was Gabriel , of cause, I should have known, he was probably the handsome guy in school.
   The uniform was a grey coloured skirt/ trouser, white t-shirt and blue jackets, I stood looking at the school. I looked at Gabriel.

He had been waiting, giving me time to take in the environment, he soon started walking into the school, his movement was fast, his left hand holding the strap of his backpack, right hand in his jacket's pocket, I hurried after him trying to keep up, but I'll be honest, I was slightly running

   We had gotten into the building and the stares had increased, soon, everyone had gotten into classes. Gabriel stood with me in front of a class " This is your first class for today, take care, I'm sure you'll be fine, I'm getting late for my class" he said and I nodded.
   He still wasn't smiling. He starred at me silently for a while and I just dropped my gaze
" You look good by the way" he said, I looked at him, an uncontrollable smile forming up on my lips. I saw the side of his lip curl up slightly before he turned around and walked away.
With great joy, I stepped into the class.

       During lunch break, I came out with the lunch box Mrs Fidelia had given me, when I entered the cafeteria, I saw Gabriel, I wanted to go to him but he sat at a table with about seven other people at the table and there wasn't a spare seat, that was probably his group.

I walked to a different table that was empty and sat down placing the lunchbox on the table, I looked at Gabriel again . He seemed to be having a good time, I could only see his back and a little portion of his face.
   They were talking and laughing, I wondered if he was telling them about me and they were laughing at me, I looked away and started eating.

  A girl with dark brown curly hair walked to my table " Hi..." She smiled and I smiled back
" I'm Marinette" she introduced stretching her hand towards me for a handshake, her smile not fading.

I awkwardly took her hand " Liela" I said softly before taking my hand back. She pulled the chair by my side out and sat with so much energy startling me, I looked at her
" Hope you don't mind" Marinette said still smiling and I shook my head then faced my food again and started eating.

" Umm... I saw you come with Gabriel today.." she said. I paused. Of cause, she was here for gossip, I should have known, I looked at her " We're cousins" I said with a bored expression on my face.

She mouthed an Ooh.. while nodding her head, processing what I said. I resumed eating my food. After a very short time, she stood up and walked away. I felt so disappointed, I thought I was going to get a friend. Sigh.

I looked at Gabriel and saw he was looking at me, after few seconds he turned back to his friends. I thought he was going to come over or ask me to join them , but that never happened.

When it was time to go home, the driver came again, I wore my seat belt by myself this time, and just like before, we didn't speak any word to each other throughout the drive home.



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