He... hugged me

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" It's okay, you can tell me" Mrs Fidelia said giving me a small smile.
" He said alot of things that I don't really understand and I don't remember some of it" I admitted.
" That's okay, I can help you, why don't you tell me what you remember" she urged.

    I bit my lip nervously, I looked down at my hands that rested on my laps.
" Okay, let's start..with... how he apologized, how did Gabriel apologize to you?" She asked in a calm tune. I looked at her again
" He said. He was... Sorry..? He said, he was sorry for making me cry and...." I paused trying to remember " And that..... he.... he..." I stopped again, " I can't remember "  I told her softly.

She gave me an understanding smile making me ease up a little.
" Okay, did he do anything, like... You know.... Hold your hand..." She asked moving her head slowly
" He...... hugged me.." I said scared.
" Oh wow, that's nice.... tell me more" she said smiling.

I felt so relieved
" He hugged me very tightly, he told me I smelt good" I spoke a little more confidently.
" And you liked when he said that?" She teased and I tried holding back a smile, I bowed my head shyly
" Was there anything else?" She asked.

I remembered he was using alot of curse words, I didn't know if I could tell her that
" He was using curse words" I said softly biting my lip as I watched her facial expressions, her eyes widened but only for a second
" How? What kind of curse words?" She asked

I couldn't speak,she probably figured it out " Was he using the F word....?" She drew her sentence and I nodded
" How did he use it, was he like... Cursing on you" she asked.
" No no no, he seemed to use it differently, I just can't explain it" I quickly defended Gabriel.

Mrs Fidelia took in a deep breath, swinging her hair backwards
" That's interesting" she said.
" Liela, I can't help you if you don't tell me what he actually said" she spoke calmly. I looked at her. She looked sincere, I was curious to know what Gabriel meant by a particular sentence

" He.. Gabriel.. he ..he did said something like..., He, he couldn't concentrate on anything when I'm around" I said feeling bad. I was confused as I watched a smile slowly form up on Mrs Fidelia's face.
   She looked like she understood what he meant, and I badly wanted to know, was I a distraction to him? Was it bad? I decided to tell her everything else.

" He also said, I mean, he told me, I don't know how to explain it" I was frustrated with myself.
" Calm down dear" Mrs Fidelia said, her smile not fading off, she placed her hand on my shoulder " Relax and tell me" she encouraged

" He asked me something like.. What was I doing to him?" I managed to say and then continued " I don't know if I hurt him or, or I might..." I was worried " Relax, relax" Mrs Fidelia laughed softly.
" You are fine my dear, is there anything else?" She asked.

   I stared at her, thinking of what got my heart racing and I felt weird when Gabriel did that
" He, Gabriel kissed my neck" I said and closed my eyes only to open them to see Mrs Fidelia looking at me with a smile that made me feel dumb.

" And did you feel anything..or no, let me put it in a better way, did you want him to go away or you wanted him to continue.... Like... Did you like it... Or not?" She asked watching me intensely, her eyes searching my face.

I could remember how I felt, my legs had felt weak, I would have been unable to stand on my feet if Gabriel wasn't holding me, then sensation I felt when he kissed me on the neck was foreign to me.
   I knew cousins weren't supposed to be like that but Gabriel didn't say it was wrong and I did like every moment of it.

I wanted to remain in his arms
" I... I liked it" I confessed almost whispering but thankfully Mrs Fidelia heard it. She let out a breath like she was relieved to hear my reply
" Then darling, you're just fine, and No, you're not doing anything bad to Gabriel, well... Maybe giving him a little trouble but I think he's cool with it and he can handle himself" Mrs Fidelia said

" Now here's the thing" she continued, her voice becoming more serious " Be careful with Gabriel, if you ever feel uncomfortable with anything he does, don't be afraid to tell him to stop, okay?"
" Okay" I nodded, I got very relieved, but couldn't stop thinking about in what way I was giving Gabriel trouble.

Mrs Fidelia picked up her laptop and got up from her chair
" I'm running late for a meeting dear, I'll see you later, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm right here, okay?" She said with a smile and I nodded smiling back at her.

She walked over to the living room area, picked up her bag, put her laptop into it and hung the bag on her shoulder, she looked at me
" And darling?" She called at me
" Let this conversation be between us only okay? Don't let anyone else know, especially Gabriel, alright?"
" Alright" I replied
" Take care sweetie" she smiled sweetly before walking out of the house.

I felt like weight had been taken off my shoulder now that I've told someone, but I was still a little worried.

Now that Mrs Fidelia had left, I realized I hadn't seen anyone else in the house. Where did they all go to? The house was silent. My stomach growled making me remember I had not eaten anything. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Now Mrs Fidelia knows

Is anyone surprised at her reaction? Please don't be quick to judge tho


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