Meeting Harry

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  The time went by very slowly, I and Gabriel both had maths class together, I sat in front of the class, he sat behind. I tried my best not to look at him through out the entire class, once the bell for lunch break was rang, I slowly packed my books into my bag.

I left the class just like everyone else, I walked into the Hall way, there were only a few people. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower belly and I bent down holding the wall for support . The pain was slowly fading off when I heard a male voice.
" Are you okay?" The voice asked.
Slowly I raised my head to look, it was a boy, handsome, black hair, thin lips, brown eyes
" Are you alright?" He asked again and I nodded.
    Before I knew it, he was helping me up as the pain had subsided.
" Thanks" I said, his hands still on my shoulder
" Do you need to go to the clinic?" He asked and I shook my head.
" No". He nodded at that

" I'm Harry" he introduced
" Liela" I said with a smile and he nodded returning the smile
" You sure you're okay?" He asked and again I nodded
" What grade are you in?" Harry asked
" 12th grade" I replied
" Me too, you're new here I'm guessing" he spoke with a smile and yes, I nodded again
" Have any friends yet? I could be a friend" he offered still smiling and I quickly nodded happily
" No friends, just my cousin who umm" I paused thinking it wasn't necessary
" Your cousin?" Harry asked wanting me to continue.

   I sighed " Yeah... He just doesn't want me around" I said sadly. I saw Harry nod, he seemed like he was thinking about something for a while " Gabriel?" He asked all of a sudden and I nodded quickly surprised at how he knew who my cousin was
" Ah.. I guessed right, I overheard people talking about Gabriel's cousin who's now in the school, a girl, just didn't know it was you, I also never thought she was this beautiful" Harry said with a charming smile.
   I smiled, I felt flattered " Thank you" I said dropping my gaze a bit shy. " Welcome gorgeous, so... We're friends?" He asked stretching his hand for a handshake and I took it, he later released my hand, giving me a small nod before walking away.

Yay..... I had a friend, boy or not, he was my friend.
   When school was over for the day. I and Gabriel were in the car going home, as usual we were both quiet, I didn't like it, we couldn't be like this forever
" I made a friend today" I spoke breaking the silence , a smile on my face as I looked at Gabriel, he looked at me " Good for you" Gabriel replied and looked forward again. " You were right, people are nice, I was passing through a bad pain and he came to me" I said, taking note of how Gabriel looked at me immediately

" What happened to you?" He asked worriedly and my smile widened, he did care about me
" Just a stomach pain, but it stopped immediately" I said, he just nodded.
" So... This very handsome guy came to me... He said his name was Harry" I spoke excitedly.
   Gabriel didn't say anything, he just maintained the frown on his face as he looked away from me
" He was very nice" I added and kept narrating everything that happened between me and Harry, Gabriel didn't even comment on it once, and it made me sad. When I had nothing else to say, I stopped talking and again we fell into silence.

   We got home as usual, I prepared lunch and we all ate, Abel once again praised my cooking, we also ate dinner later that day and went to our rooms, Gabriel ignored me completely. I was too sad, I didn't know if I should talk to him about it or not.


Two days past, although I and Harry were now friends, we didn't hang out much, a girl named Theresa came up to me during one of our classes and asked to be my friend.
   I came home from school with Gabriel and found out I was having my period, it was already evening and I had to prepare dinner. I was having very bad cramps but I had already promised Mrs Fidelia that I would handle the cooking, I didn't want to back out.

I was on my pajamas which were a bit baggy, I came out of my room and walked down the hall holding unto my lower belly in pain, I walked slightly bent, when I got to the stairs, I looked down to the living room and saw Abel watching a show in the television while Gabriel was operating his phone.  I didn't want them to know something was wrong with me, so I tried my best to stand up straight, I started taking very slow steps down the stairs, by the time I got to the ground, they still hadn't noticed me, so I just walked straight into the kitchen.
     Once I got in, I bent holding my belly again.  God, it was terrible, I opened the pantry and picked out a pan but too bad, I wasn't careful enough, it slipped out of my hand and fell to the ground, bouncing a few times, the sound ringing loudly. I bit my lip hoping they didn't hear it.

But not even that kind of miracle was impossible. Both Gabriel and Abel hurried into the kitchen to find me holding the counter top for support as I tried to pick the pan from the floor


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