Part 42

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Coming very soon! (sept 9)

Hi everyone!

First thing- I'm sorry. I haven't updated in so long but it's been a rough few years. I love to write and it's been very hard for me to be away for so long.

The new chapter is coming up soon. I am currently moving back home because... I got laid off. Despite my education and qualifications, I have not been able to find a job. The job market is so bad right now that the only offers I have gotten have been for very underpaid jobs I cannot afford to take.  Job hunting has been extremely disheartening and has really messed with my sense of self, my sense of self-worth, and my mental health. On top of everything, I've been going through a breakup in the last couple of weeks.

While I have savings, my lease is ending and with no job prospects in sight, I have decided to take some time off, put my stuff in storage and spend time with my family. I will still be looking for jobs, but I will also be taking a writing course and allowing myself a break.

Some of you may know that I am a mental health professional and I have worked non-profit for most of my career. This is the second lay off I experience in two years, with this last job being the worst.

The experience was exploitative. While I was hired for a salaried, M-F, 40 hr week job, once I was in the position, it became clear that those were not realistic expectations.  I was working such long hours that I had to wear a latex glove on my hand because my skin was raw and bleeding from how much I was using the mouse.

So, over the next couple of weeks I'll be busy moving and packing and getting organized, but I plan to take breaks to get writing done as I feel it's good my my mental health. I'll be updating more regularly after September 9. I can't promise I'll release anything sooner but I will definitely publish an update by that weekend.

I am very lucky to have a family to support me during this time. I know not everyone has that. While it feels like my life is falling apart, I am trying to view this as a gift. I want to believe, God, the Universe, Mother Earth, whoever it is that you believe in... luck even, I want to believe that this is happening for a reason.

For those of you who made it this far and cared to read my rant, thank you. Sometimes we just need to vent. If anyone wants to message me, or wants to chat, I could use the friends. I have said before that I modeled Echo after myself- I am still just an introverted and anxious person and could use all the good wishes and encouragement I can get.

Also, remember. You are not your job. You are not the degree you do or don't have, and if you are going through something similar, be patient and trust. Do your best, don't be afraid to lean on your loved ones, and know that it's okay to take a break if you need it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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