Part 25

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Tom was tired. He hadn't even stepped out of his car yet when Samuel's men had grabbed him and escorted him to the same room they'd had him in more than once before. It was small, with a big table and one chair, reminiscent of the kind of room you might find at a police station. He was nervous, he was agitated, he was anxious but he could show them none of that. 

Instead, he leaned back in the chair as he waited for Samuel to finally make an appearance. Usually, things didn't take this long but today, he'd sat alone for several hours as he waited, wondering where Vera was, wondering if she was okay. That was all that mattered in the end. Maybe they wouldn't let him walk out of here, maybe they'd insist on more money, but he didn't care. He wanted her safe. 

How could Tom have possibly guess the direction things would be going now? He hadn't known what to think when the man first walked in the room. At first glance, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his drab brown pants, he didn't look like much. He was older, but not yet too old, and the glasses on his face gave him the look of a tired office worker. Maybe an accountant? That wouldn't be too strange considering that Tom still wasn't sure how they were supposed to receive that much money without turning eyes and ears from authorities. Of course, it could just be that people like this owned people in many different types of places. He'd learned quickly just how much a person would do for a nice chunk of change. He almost frowned at the thought of Harold. 

Just a few weeks ago, all he could think about was how much he'd like to strangle him. Given the chance, Tom still would. If he ever saw Harold again, he'd kill him for the mess he'd gotten him into. But now, all he could think of, all that really mattered, was making sure Vera walked out of this as unscathed as possible. 

Then, when the mild manned man with the soft voice spoke, he realized just who he was talking to. He was humble but he was confident, and the firm line of his lips reminded him of Samuel. There was disconcerting about it. 

"Thank you for the payment. I was just told that everything looks good on our end." The man said, still standing in the back of the room, partially hidden in the shadows. 

"Where's Vera?" Tom asked. 

"You care a lot about her." The man said with a nod. "I'll tell you the truth, Tom. You put us through quite a bit. It's not just how much time we had to wait, and that ridiculous incident with your ex business partner, but you also had to go behind our backs and talk to Luke Farina."

Tom was still. They'd figured it out. Of course they had. 

"I've spoken to Luke but never about this." He lied, trying to play it cool. 

"Oh, and what about? Did you congratulate him on his wedding? I'm sure you found it very convenient when your girl friend's sister married one of the most powerful men in the area." The man said softly. 

"I didn't know who Luke was at first, and I sure as hell don't care." Tom said flippantly. The man raised a brow. 

"and you didn't ask him to protect her?" The man said, "Because if I had brought the woman I loved into a situation like this, I would have."

Tom was caught.

"Don't hurt her." Tom said, unable to help himself. 

"We don't want to," The man said, "But you crossed too many lines."

"Then take it out on me." Tom replied. 

"We will. You're going to have to pay, Tom. You know how these things work. Tit for tat." He said, "You hurt our business, you risk my people... I risk yours." 

"What do you want?" Tom asked. 

"It's simple. You see that mirror?" The man asked. Tom glanced over. 

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now