Part 6

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"Hey Vera, Do you think I can bor... what is going on in here?" Romy said, stopping as she walked into Vera's room. She looked around, placing a hand on her forehead as she noticed the piles of clothes on the floor and over the bed.

"Ummm just... figuring something out." Vera said, standing and staring at the piles with a finger to her chin. Romy stared at her for a second.

"Have you noticed... you know... this?" Romy said, walking up to a chair and picking up a few items from a pile before setting them down again.

"Yeah, I'll get it sorted. I just have to do this first." Vera said, still deep in thought.

"Maybe if you tell me what this is I can help you with it and then you can do something about your room." Romy said with a frown. Vera turned to her, noticing how disturbed Romy seemed by the mess.

The truth was that the mess didn't really have to be so bad to disturb Romy- she was probably the neatest and most organized person in the world. If something was clean, Romy just couldn't work and right now, Vera could tell that Romy was trying her hardest to be unbothered by it. She would have laughed, after all, it wasn't often that she got to see Romy uncomfortable. That woman was a complete control freak and when she couldn't control things, she was extremely good at controlling herself so that no one could tell she wasn't completely at ease. But now, right now, all Vera was thinking about was one person and that wasn't Romy.

"I'm just trying to figure out what to wear." Vera said, suddenly moving towards something on the bed. Romy raised her brow.

"For?" Romy asked before answering her own question. "ah, you have a date."

Vera didn't reply, instead she just cast a sideways glance at Romy before holding the dress in question in front of herself and watching her reflection in the mirror, silently scrutinizing herself. Vera might not have the type of confidence that Romy had, not a lot of people did really, but she still had plenty of confidence in herself and she had a pretty good idea of what suited her.

"and here I thought Lena was the slob." Romy muttered, shifting her weight. She would have taken a seat and poised herself in one of her trademark, regal like poses but... well where?

"Lena is not a slob." Vera said, prompting Romy to let out an unladylike snort.

"You should see her closet." Romy responded.

"Echo's is worse." Vera replied and Romy nodded.

"Yes, that's true." Romy said, sighing and moving to get a closer view to Vera's reflection. "I don't know where I went wrong with you girls. I tried to teach you the joys of a tidy space."

"We know that but we're just not you, Romy." Vera said. Romy smiled.

"That's obvious." Romy said, taking the dress Vera was holding and tossing it on the bed. She looked around, moving a few garments about. "You know, this would be easier if your clothes were in the closet."

"I know but it's getting late and I panicked." Vera admitted. Romy leaned down, pulling up a nice dress and handing it to Vera.

"Panic, dear, rarely solves a problem. It's easier to work if you keep your cool, besides, I haven't met a man yet worth panicking over. This...with tights... it's cold out there and we wouldn't want you getting sick. You need to be healthy if you're going to save the world." Romy said. Vera smiled.

"I'm already intimidated by the man of your dreams. Thank you." Vera said and Romy nodded.

"I have no such dreams, but if I did ever decide to settle down, you can bet he'll be fearsome. I'll leave you to... you know." Romy said with a wink.

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن