Part 29

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Vera stared at the men coming in and out of the donation center in some confusion. There was four of them that she had counted so far and while two seemed to be strictly devoted to removing the furniture they had taken so many pains in collecting and placing them into a truck, the other two were carrying in large tarps and ladders. 

Could it be that it was closing? The thought made Vera stiffen. She hadn't actually been inside the donation center for such a long time and although she still sent in her own contribution every month, she hadn't been able to bring herself to visit. Realistically, she had no way of knowing if they were struggling as usual, or thriving, or worse... sinking. She almost felt guilty for this but she shrugged off the notion. It wasn't as if she had completely abandoned them. 

Vera had done her part. She had dedicated most of her adult life up until the incident to the nonprofit and the donation center. She'd put her heart and soul into, and she still believed in the cause. She was just tired. Even now, as she watched the last bits of furniture being loaded into that truck and the movers begin to pull away, she found herself lacking the energy to go speak with them. She couldn't even bring herself to pick up the phone and reach out to the donation manager and find out what was going on. She didn't know what had come over her. It was a strange feeling, an overwhelming feeling. She was so busy trying to make sure the 750 hundred thousand dollar investment she'd been tricked out of wasn't sinking. 

It wasn't that she didn't like it either. She'd been surprised to find she had enjoyed the work. It was challenging to try to save something that was sinking and for the moment, that was the only type of saving she found herself capable of doing. She'd even left the nonprofit, finding that she no longer had the capacity for giving those people the attention they deserved. Instead, she couldn't help but see the ghost of the man who ruined everything lurking in every corner. She saw him removing his coat at the donations center; she saw him in the kitchen of the nonprofit, laughing as they unpacked Chinese food. Lord, she hadn't even been able to eat eggrolls in over a year. It turned out that Chinese food only made her feel nauseous now a days. 

He'd ruined everything and she hated herself for being so affected by it. 


Speaking of nonprofit...

"Amber." Vera replied, turning to face the woman who was smiling brightly as she approached her.  "How are you?"

"Hey! I'm just as overworked as always... How are you?" Vera wasn't expecting the way that Amber threw her arms around her, most people nowadays knew better than to try hugging her. Still, she patted her back gently before extricating herself as politely as she could but Amber kept a firm grip on one of her arms. "I can't believe how long it's been!"

Neither could Vera really. The last time she'd seen Amber was when she told her she wouldn't be able to continue to working and asked to have all her clients reassigned. It had been a real shock and Amber had done her part to try to dissuade her but, Vera's anger and pain were so fresh then. She had been unmovable in her decision.  Now, as Amber continued to chat excitedly, Vera realized how much she'd missed her. 

"I'm good." Vera said, shaking the thoughts away from her mind. She turned, motioning towards the donation center with her head. "What's going on there? Are they closing?"

"Ah." Amber said with a nod, "No, expanding."

"Expanding?" Vera repeated, surprised. 

"Yeah. Someone bought the building." Amber said, "just last month and they are letting the donation center use the second floor as well, no extra charge."

"Really?" Vera replied, turning to her. A building like that, with such prime location, could charge a large rent if they wanted too. 

"Isn't it great?" Amber asked brightly. 

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now