Part 9

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Tom watched with a grin as he watched Vera moving inside the store just a few blocks from his office. He'd spotted her, by pure chance, as he walked down the street and couldn't help but stare as she moved her lips subtly, obviously talking to herself. It was funny, definitely, but not strange. Most people do it at some point or another, we just don't notice it but he was beginning to notice almost everything about her.

Like that her dark blond hair matched her dark brows to perfection but her hair had natural, bright streaks in it. He'd noticed that she didn't wear a lot of make up and she always smelled like coconut and soap. It was a clean smell, pleasant and uncomplicated. Maybe that's why he was so drawn in by her- she was so uncomplicated. Before he knew it, he was in the store, circling her and stealing glimpses at her from behind the shelves, wondering why her brows were knitted so closely together. What could be wrong?

For starters, Vera wasn't so sure what to get for Luke and Echo. Thanks to her most recent distractions, she'd completely forgotten to buy them a wedding present. It wasn't until she saw Maru and Lena wrapping theirs that she realized she'd neglected to get her little sister a gift. That's why she was here, on a Sunday, in the city, inspecting one crystal vase after another.

Then there was the real reason for her discontentment- Tom. She sighed inwardly, trying to figure out what was going on. She was glad to see him, glad to spend time with him, excited every time they met but things had not been quite like that first date. He hadn't tried holding her hand, a gesture he had made before without hesitation, and he hadn't tried to kiss her again. What if he didn't like it? What if what to her had been a transformative, life changing type kiss was to him just another peck?

Maybe he was already bored...

Maybe he was losing interest...

SO many damn maybes.

Maybe if he kissed her again he would lose his nerve. Tom had made it a point to keep his distance when he saw her, he hadn't intended to kiss her that night at all. There was just something about her, a warmth. It was just a feeling she gave him like everything was going to be alright, like he could believe anything and everything she said. She'd brought him comfort in that moment and he'd forgotten the real reason he was with her.

With a sigh and a guilt that was growing heavier by the day, he turned the corner, stepping in front of her and nearly sending the very expensive crystal vase in her arms crashing to the floor.

"Jesus." He said, reaching out and putting his hands beneath the vase so it would not slip from her hands. Vera didn't make a sound, she only stepped back as she caught sight of him, her eyes wide. Then, after another second of shock, her lids softened over her eyes and fastened her grip, letting out a chuckle.

"Wow." She said, taking the vase in her hands firmly and lifting it back onto the shelf she'd grabbed it from.

"Scared you, huh?" He said with a smile as a shop attendant suddenly appeared.

"Is everything okay?" The woman asked, making them turn. She'd obviously seen the disastrous near drop and was now coming to ensure they wouldn't be picking anything else up. "Anything you like?"

"Everything is fine. I'm still looking." Vera said with a reassuring smile. Tom noted how the woman seemed to relax, as if she too would believe anything Vera said. What was it about her that made it so easy to trust her?

"Let me know if you need anything." The woman said with a nod, strolling away slowly but not before first peeking a glance at Tom over her shoulder.

"She likes you." Vera said, blushing a little bit as she blurted it out and continued to visually scan the collection. Tom glanced back to where the woman was now pretending to be busy as she occasionally glanced back in his direction.

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ