chapter 15: the night before

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"So it's back on?" Hala asks as I walk back to the car from the hospital.

"Alhamdulilah, she said yes." I reply, letting out a breath.

"Thank god she did cause I think I found a dress!" Hala squeals, getting in the car before me.

"You did?" I ask, confused on how she found a dress on such short notice.

"Well, more or less it depends on if I finish it in time but I have a white abaya and I'm thinking of sewing together up a matching niqab then I'll add the diamonds and gems on top." She says with a smile.

Hala's willing to make Neha's Nikkah dress?

"You're going to make it in a night, lil sis?" I ask her, feeling a smile of gratitude on my face.

"Yes of course. Finally I'm seeing my bestie happy and it's with my brother who now I know was the girl you were talking about that day at the Saidis." She replies with a sneaky grin on her face.

Shaking my head with shyness, I begin to drive away from the hospital, feeling as if I'm on cloud nine.

Half an hour later, after dropping off Hala at Noor's house so she can get the Neha's abaya made, I arrive at my office.

Baba and Jay are already there and a few other people that I called in advance.

"Asalamulaikum, Baba." I say, greeting my dad with a hug.

"Walaikumsalam, son. Getting married in a rush I see." Baba jokes, causing everyone to laugh as well.

"Well, the time feels right." I reply, not hiding the joy on my face.

I couldn't hide it.

I think everyone could tell I was feeling the best I've felt in a few years.

"Okay, so let's get everything ready then!" Jay calls out with a smile.

After finalising the Imam, timing and rings for tomorrow. Noor calls me to remind me that the Mahr wasn't discussed yet.

Knowing that Neha has no wali, I begin to call Hala.

"Yes, Haadi I'm very busy right now! Make this quick!" She says with a sharp tone.

"Okay, can you give me Neha's number please? I need to talk to her about something." I tell her as Noor gives me a text that her, Noor's mum and Imaan are all getting the food ready as we speak.

Alhamdulilah for family like this.

"And what might that be for?" She asks as I pass the phone to Baba.

"Hala, you need to make this quick!" He tells her, making me chuckle.

After a few moments, I call Neha up.

I wasn't going to tell her what everyone was up to since I didn't want her getting any stress so I kept it as tame I could.

"Neha, we didn't talk about what you wanted for your Mahr." I remind her, scratching my chin.

"Oh, yes I forgot!" She replies, sighing.

"So do you have someone in mind that you may want me to discuss this with?" I ask her as I see
Jay walk in with 2 ring boxes.

"I honestly don't know but if he can... do you mind asking Noor's dad? If he says no I won't mind but it's just that he's took me in as if I was his daughter." Neha trails off, making me nod.

"I'll call him, Neha. You can go to sleep now." I reply with a smile.

"Okay, Haadi." She agrees before hanging the phone up.

The space inbetween usTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon