Chapter 6

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As Haerin was about to enter the library, she heard someone calling her name in the distance.

She stopped and looked behind her to see who it was.

Haerin only recognized the girl when she was finally near her.

It's Danielle's friend, Seiah Alice. Though she often hears Danielle calling her Ice.

"Thank god, I saw you," she said while panting. "Wait, let me just catch my breath for a while," she added, her hands on her knees, and she was breathing heavily.

After a few deep breaths, she finally stood up straight. "I'm okay now." She said smiling.

Haerin wondered what the girl would say. They've barely talked before, even when they were both in the dance class.

"Anyways, I was just wondering, did you perhaps bring your car with you today?" She asked.

Haerin's brow raised slightly. Her question is so random. Why would she be asking that?

She answered her nonetheless. "I did".

"And you're going to meet up with Mrs. Lim later, right?" She asked, and Haerin nodded again. She still doesn't know where their conversation is leading. "Why'd you ask anyway?"

Ice seemed to hesitate a little. "Well, I was just hoping that maybe Dani could catch a ride with you?" She asked carefully. Then she started speaking again. "Of course, if I could, I would drive her myself, but it just so happens that I have something to do too, so yeah, there's that," she explained.

Haerin raised her eyebrows. "Why would I?"

The girl started to explain, "It's because...Dani was kind of not in a condition to drive." She started, "You guys are in the same class, so I'm guessing you already saw her condition these past few days. She was really tired with everything's going on, so I'm afraid she might fall asleep or something while driving." She stated with her hands doing gestures, and her voice sounds pleading.

Haerin just looked at her. She's thinking about whether or not she'd agree.

Ice waited for her answer awkwardly.

Haerin wanted to say no.

Although she considered the fact that Danielle is not mentally in shape to drive, hell, the girl wanted to practice sleeping in a swimming pool after all, so she figured letting her drive would be bad.

But Haerin also thought that she had already done Danielle a favor today. She kindly walked her to her swimming practice, and that should be enough.

Aside from that, as much as possible, she'd like to have minimal interaction with her or ideally, no interaction at all.

But now her friend is asking her to be her personal driver.

When she still didn't answer, the girl started to speak again. Trying to reason it out so Haerin would agree.

"I know you're not really on good terms with my friend," she started. Haerin nodded. That's true.

"But maybe, just this once, as her classmate and fellow representative for the quiz bee, you could help her a little," she stated. Eyes still pleading and determined.

She figured that if this is Danielle's friend, there's a high chance that this girl is as persistent as her.

She sighed. She doesn't want another girl pestering her.

"Fine. You win." She surrendered. The girl yelled a little "yes!" before thanking her a lot.

"Dani told me she'd drop by here in the library after her practice. But I'll also let her know that you'll drive her." she said while her hands were already busy typing in her phone. Probably informing Danielle already.

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