Chapter 9

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Sunday morning came, and Danielle forced herself out of bed.
It was already eleven in the morning, but she was still sleepy.

Still, she forced herself to complete her routines, which include lots of stretching, a cold bath, brushing her teeth, etc., and went straight to the kitchen to prepare the recipes she needs for baking cookies.

She promised Haerin to bake for her as a payback for driving her home last Friday.

Once she was done, she put the baked cookies in a secured and well-packed lunch box and set it aside, then went on to prepare her own food. Once all was done, she went to the garden and started eating her brunch.

One of their helpers informed Danielle that her parents had an emergency meeting in the company and left early. Danielle didn't mind it because it happens a lot, but she wished both of them had eaten breakfast first.

And as usual, she fished her phone out, went to Haerin's contact, and typed a message.

Good morning!
Cookies, smiles, and Danielle are waiting for you. Oh, and reviewers too. Take care and see you later this afternoon, Haerinieee.

Time passed quickly; afternoon came, and Danielle had just arrived at the coffee shop. She was the first to arrive there. Mrs. Lim and Haerin were still on the way.

She sat at the table where they sat last time and waited for them. While waiting, someone she knows entered the coffee shop. It seems that the girl also noticed Danielle and smiled at her while walking her way.

"Hi!" It's Wonyoung again; she greeted her, and Danielle greeted her back. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Danielle asked her enthusiastically. For some reason, she felt happy seeing Wonyoung again, even if they'd just seen each other yesterday.

She invited her to sit across from her since Mrs. Lim and Haerin weren't here yet, and Wonyoung gladly sat. "Well, I really liked the coffee I bought yesterday. So I'm planning to buy again and maybe try some of their menu as well," she said. "And I was hoping to see you here again," she added.

Danielle blushed. "Me? But why?" she asked.

Wonyoung smiled. "Well, I've been meaning to ask you something. I could have texted you, but I feel like it would be better if I asked you personally," she replied.

"What is it?" Danielle asked curiously. "I was just wondering if you are free tomorrow at lunch? Because there's this cafe not far from the school and I've obtained two free food coupons." She showed her the coupon excitedly. "Maybe we could hang out?" she asked, smiling goofily but still in an elegant manner.

She's too pretty for this world. Danielle thought while looking at the smiling Wonyoung in front of her.

She can't believe someone as gorgeous as Wonyoung is actually asking her to hang out.

However, she was thinking twice because she was planning to spend lunch time with Haerin again.

She wanted to cook for Haerin the meal her mom cooked last time.

But being asked to hang out by Wonyoung herself felt like a privilege. Danielle was sure there were a lot of boys and girls who wished they could be friends with this girl in front of her.

Also, looking at the excited face of Wonyoung, she can't bring herself to disappoint the girl.

"Sure, I'd be happy to! Free food is good," Danielle replied to her. Wonyoung gasped in delight and excitement.

She looks like a happy child, but she is full of elegance. Danielle doesn't know how that combination is possible, but everything Wonyoung does just seems so elegant, even when she's jumping in her seat. "It's settled then; tomorrow's the date. Oh gosh, I'm so excited!" she said happily.

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