𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒: 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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Jungwon's POV

Their friendship is really something unique. I mean Jake hyung also plays a lot with Ni-ki like teasing each other or even fighting about anything but with Joowon I can clearly see a new side of him. They both even get excited about the same things!

That's why I asked Jake hyung if I could go with them because I just wanted to know how they behave with each other and they are quite fun. I had a good time being with them, I laughed a lot seeing them arguing and teasing each other.

Today Joowon and me are going to be in a show in which we are going to be interviewed about being MCs and also we might play some games. It's surprisingly good the fact that we are getting a lot of positive comments about our interactions in Music Bank. We are even getting called "Hybe's Won-ders". I don't know how to feel about that but I guess it's because of sharing the syllable "won" in our names.

I'm at the parking lot of the company waiting for her to go together to the studio to film the interview. Honestly I'm a little bit nervous because we are not exactly the best at speaking to each other without knowing what to say in advanced. I know it's been months since we met but we are still awkward with each other sometimes.

"Hello." she bows before getting in the car.

"Hello." I say then she gets in. Today she has her hair tied up in two buns. I've never seen her with that hairstyle before. It looks on her.

After some time in the car I turned to look at her and I can see that she's reading. I wonder what's the book about. I can't know because the title is in English I want to make conversation so asking her about the book would be a good idea but I don't want to bother her so I just stay in silence.

"We are going to be late for the filming, the traffic is terrible today! I'll notified the studio to wait for us or if we should do this another time." I hear the manager tell the driver.

She makes the phone call and apparently the interviewer is also late so they are going to wait for us as well. Once she's done with the phone call she turns around to explain the situation to us.

"Due to the traffic being awful today it's going to take us awhile to get there but they are going to wait for us. Here, eat this, you haven't eat and you must have energy when we arrive." she says giving me the tiny lunch bags.

The bags are transparent so I can see that both of them have a sandwich and a juice box but the flavor is different. I noticed that Joowon looked particularly at one of them but I couldn't see exactly which one so I let her choose.

"Which one do you want?" I ask looking at her.

"This one is fine. Thank you." she grabs the one with the grape juice then puts the book on her lap and starts drinking the juice right away after she opened it.

"You're welcome." I say and start opening my juice box. "So what are you reading?" I ask pointing to the book on her lap.

"It's a detective novel written by my favorite author." she says and then continues sipping the juice happily. Wow she must really like that flavor.

For the rest of the ride we talked about the books she had read so far and honestly now I'm curious about them but I'm not a book person so I don't think I would actually read them.

We arrived at the studio after an hour and a half and once we were there we found out that the concept of the show was going to be a sleepover. Then we went to get ready, we had to get changed and wear pajamas and put on the mics. When we were ready the interview started.

"So, Music Bank MCs. Congratulations!" Miss Park Hayun tells us. She is a very well-known MC who has already interviewed other idols and even famous actors too.

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