𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕: 𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐳𝐚

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One of the things I struggle with is having to get up early. I guess we all have that problem or at least most would agree with me and the fact that I couldn't get much sleep at night doesn't help at all. It's almost 6:00 am and we are getting ready for our departure from the airport but I'm a little worried as I can't find my headphones, this is a must have item for me as my ears are sensitive to heights so I always wear them when we take off.

"Unnie, have you seen my headphones?" I ask Hannie unnie from the other room in our dorm.

"Yes, I saw them in your nightstand if they are not there... then look in the living room." She screams back.

I checked and sure enough they were on my nightstand. I thanked her and continued packing my bag for the long flight ahead. Every time we have a scheduled activity abroad I am challenged to have everything I need in order, I must admit: I am not very organized with my things. Therefore, Hannie unnie is an amazing person who somehow always knows where the things I'm looking for are.

After a while we are finally on the plane. Have a safe flight. I read a message from Jungwon. I can't help but smile remembering that he called me "Jay hyung". I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or not, since Jay sunbaenim is an incredible performer and musician. I guess he was just very tired and that's why he thought I was one of his members. I reply: Thank you, Jungwon. Have a nice day!

The flight will be almost 13 hours long so I better get comfortable and try to rest. Then I will start with the activities I planned to do during my time in the air. Once we were about to take off, I looked to my right and noticed that Hyein was already fast asleep. I guess I wasn't the only one exhausted.

"Excuse me, would you like something to make the flight more comfortable to you?" A kind looking flight attendant asks me.

"Yes, I would like to get a blanket and, do you have grape juice?" I tell her thinking of Hyein, I know that she likes to sleep with a blanket on but unfortunately this time she forgot hers in our dorm and the second requested drink is for me of course.

"Yes. I'll be right back." Then she was gone and after a few minutes she returned and gave me the things I asked for. I grabbed the blanket and put it on Hyein and then drank my juice while reading, but after a few pages my eyes started to feel heavy so I thought it would be better for me to just sleep.

Once we landed it was just after 9:00 p.m. so we went straight to the hotel room to put on comfortable clothes and have dinner. Tomorrow we are going to start our rehearsals before the show and then maybe we will have time to visit the city.

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The morning after our arrival we woke up early, showered, and then waited for the stylist team to get us ready for today's rehearsal. For this practice we'll be wearing our actual stage outfits and accessories which are really pretty in my opinion. A couple of hours had passed and we are already at the Aragon Ballroom. Our rehearsals will be held here since it is the place with the space most similar dimensions to the actual stage.

"Thank you." One by one say as they give us our microphones for the first part of the rehearsal. Then we will use headset microphones for the new songs.

"Hello." Dani greets the crew we'll be working with.

"Hello." We all do the same.

Honestly, we felt a little weird at first because we were told to shout at an imaginary audience to practice our interaction with them. We kept shouting things like, "Chicago!" or "Are you ready?" However, as we continued, that uncomfortable feeling disappeared. Overall, it was a very productive day, we ended up exhausted but managed to fix some things regarding our distribution on stage, our stage supervisor told us that sometimes we seemed frozen so she advised us to be more carefree.

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