1 ❀

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Entry scene:

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Entry scene:

Na-ri slowly descend the narrow stairs only focusing on one thing and that but was to not fall over and embarrass herself. " Wow she's so pretty.." Han-bin says as the others agree and stare at her with curious eyes. "I can feel her confidence from here" said So-eun chuckling.

Finally making her way to the entrance she smiled to herself in victory happy that she hadn't fell although she thought she would. "Hello" everyone greeted her as they all smiled and clapped "Hello~" she flashed her beautiful smile and bowed" Sit wherever you like" Dong-woo says smiling "Thank you" Na-ri slightly bowed and sat in between Nadine and Han-bin smirking as she felt everyone's gaze on her.

"Omg she is beautiful" Jin-kyung says gasping at her beauty "Did you notice everyone had smiled even more when they saw her smile" Da-hee asked "Yes! Especially Han-bin" replied Kyuhyun smiling himself.

"So what's your name?" Yoong-Jae asked as the others looked at her all curious to know as well "Kim Na-ri" she smiled at him "Na-ri?" "Yes" she nods "Ahh ok" he smiled "That's a pretty name" he says to himself looking back at the view.

"He's already head over heels for her!" Jin-kyung says "He seems nervous around her" Hanhae laughed watching Yoong-Jae smiling while sneaking glances at Na-ri "Maybe it's the way she holds eye contact with people" Da-hee says as the others nod in agreement.

Kim Na-ri interview:
"Hello my name is Kim Na-ri. Many people say I look rude and have a cold aura when I don't smile but when I do I get told I look like an angel and have a smile that attracts people. I believe I can pull both sexy and cute aspects in a woman and when I like someone I tend to go all in and make sure they know. My favorite features about myself are my eyes and my hands. When it comes to dating I have pretty high standards and I'm a little specific when it comes to my type. But what I'm looking for the most is someone who matches my energy, someone I can connect well with.

"Something tells me this season is gonna be interesting" says Hanhae.

"DING" everyone gasps at the sudden voice of a woman "Welcome singles to hell." everyone listens as the woman explains the rules and tells everyone to get into groups of three or four and explore the island. Dong-woo reaches over and grabs a map showing Na-ri, Nadine, and Han-bin "Where shall we go first?"

(Chapter 1 done hope you guys enjoyed and another chapter will be out tmrw)

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