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Her outfit ⇧

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Her outfit ⇧

"Hello" Na-ri walked into the tent greeting Nadine "Hello" She smiled "How was paradise? You went with Yoong-Jae right" Nadine asks the girl sitting next to her.

"Yeah it was good we had fun and got to know each other. As friends though" Na-ri replies "I see" Nadine nods.

"How was your date with Jin-young" Na-ri asks the same question "Yeah it was good. We talked a lot, but turns out he's only interested in one person" She said.

"Really? Did he tell you who it was?" Na-ri was curious "Yeah but...I promised not to tell" Nadine smiled "Okay then" She smiled back.

"Wanna go see what the others are doing?" Na-ri suddenly says "Yeah sure let's go" They both got up and left the tents.

"Na-ri dressed up nicely today" Han-hae said "She dresses up nicely everyday" Hyunkyung laughed.

"Today the men will be playing the game right?" Da-hee asks "Yeah I wonder if it'll be the same as last seasons" Jin-kyung confirms.

"Probably" Han-hae says.

"Would you guys like to come on a walk?" Na-ri pokes her head inside the guys tent to see Dong-woo, Han-bin and Se-jeong "Yeah sure"

"Let's go get some cold water?" Han-bin suggests and they all agree feeling hot from the heat.

"Inferno really has the best view" Dong-woo exclaims "It really does" Na-ri agrees and takes a sip from her cup.

"Too bad your always in paradise" Nadine joked and they laughed "Yah it's not my fault" Na-ri defended herself.

"You'll probably be going again tonight" Dong-woo laughed "Hey you never know" Na-ri smiled.

They all kept talking for awhile until Jin-young came over and asked if he could talk with Na-ri which she agreed to.

"You nervous about the game?" Na-ri asked "Nope" He smiled "Why" She laughed.

"Because I'm gonna place 1st" He said confidently "Are you now?" She teased "Yeah you'll see" He smirked.

"Is that a promise then?" She asked chuckling "I guess it is" He said.

"DING" "Today you will play a game and have another opportunity to go to paradise. Please meet at the beach in 10 minutes"

"Time to see if you can keep your promise" Na-ri smirked at him.

"Jin-young seems quite confident about the game" Da-hee points out.

"I hope he does place first or his pride will be hurt" Jin-kyung chuckled "He seems really athletic so there's a chance he will" Han-hae exclaims.

"I think he will win though" Hyunkyung admits "Why" Da-hee questions.

"I just have a feeling he will" Hyunkyung replies.

Na-ri stood next to Se-jeong as they waited for the guys to come over.

"This is gonna be intense" So-eun exclaims "I'm already nervous" Seul-ki chuckled "Me too" So-e says.

"There they are" Nadine points at the shirtless men walking towards them.

"Today will be Like yesterdays game. The top 3 winners will choose a female participant to go to paradise with"

The lady continued to explain the rules of the game then it was finally time to start.

"Cheer for me" Jin-young whispered to Na-ri and she smiled "Okay"

"Male participants, step into the pit"

They got in the pit and into position then the whistle was heard.

Jin-young was the first to make a move trying to attack Se-jun and shoved him harshly but he fought back and got out of his hold.

Jin-young then decided to change his victim and went to attack Han-bin but he defended himself not standing up "All your doing is sitting" Jin-young sighed.

Yoong-Jae and Jin-young teamed up to get Se-jun out "Whatever I give up" He said and layed down letting them toss him out of the pit.

They all bursted out laughing "Se-jun is so funny" Da-hee smiled "I like him" Hyunkyung said.

Dong-woo and Jong-woo both tried getting Jin-young out but failed as he quickly got out of their hold "You tryna team up on me" He smirked amused.

"I can't watch this" Nadine exclaimed.

Jin-young watched as Dong-woo went to attack Jong-woo and quickly went up to them picking Dong-woo up and throwing out of the pit shocking him.

"One more out then it's over" Se-jeong points out "Your right!" Nadine says.

All three of them went to team up on Han-bin who tried fighting back but ended up getting out.

Now it was the last three.

"It doesn't matter anymore since none of them cross over" Jin-kyung says.

"Your right, the order doesn't matter" Hyunkyung said.

Yoong-Jae and Jin-young teamed up again and went to go attack Jong-woo who tried his best to push them away but in the end got out leaving Yoong-Jae and Jin-young.

"His body is so red" Na-ri says voice filled with concern.

"Let's get this over with" Yoong-Jae chuckled and went to attack Jin-young who fought back.

"Your really strong" Yoong-Jae said as he struggled to grab the guy.

Jin-young shoved his hands away and went to pick him up by the legs at threw him out of the pit making him the winner.

"1st place goes to Jin-young, 2nd goes to Yoong-Jae, and 3rd goes to Jong-woo"

The lady announces and everyone claps then heads back to the tents.

"Jin-young kept his promise" Da-hee smiles "I knew he would" Hyunkyung exclaimed.

"It looks like Jong-woo is about to cry" Han-hae points out "He must be feeling emotional" He says again.

"I'm so happy for him" Jin-kyung smiled "He deserves this"

As they were walking to the tents Jin-young walked up to Na-ri "You actually came first" She smiled.

"Did you doubt me" He teased "Maybe" She joked and he laughed.

"Well I kept my promise, time for you to keep yours" He said to her then walked away to go change.

( Here's another chapterrr! Hope you enjoyed this one and sorry for not posting one last night I had forgot. Are you excited for their date in paradise though 👀 wonder what's gonna happen~ )

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