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Recap: SwaSan flashback with SwaSan and Swayam moments.

In SwaSan Room!

SwaSan are sleeping in each other's embrace in one blanket covering their bare bodies!
Swara awakes and see his grip on her stomach and face near her face. She take his hand from her stomach slowly and put back on the bed and slowly get up covering her chest with sheet, and see her clothes in a corner as yesterday he thrown it.

She see his shirt on his left side, she go closer and try to take his shirt without awaking him.
She get hold of his shirt with help of her fingers, and about to pull toward her.

But before it, someone pull her, and she gets shocked finding herself beneath Sanskar who pulled her and press her under his giant body. She looks at him with widened eyes while he smirks at her teasingly.

Swara : what are you doing Sanskar? You will be late for work, I have many works! ( while avoiding to look in his eyes, looks here and there)

Sanskar cups her face and make her looks at him.

Sanskar : good morning.

Swara : Good morning!

She try to get up but he press her more by his weight.

Swara : Sanskar! Get up!
What are you doing?

Sanskar : you will not ask why I awoke early?

Swara : why?

Sanskar : you always awake before me! That's why I awoken before you.

Swara : why?

Sanskar : to see your face when I awake! ( surprised her)

Swara looks away!

Swara : you seen, now get up!

Sanskar : I didn't seen yet! I want to see more keenly.

He bend on her face and watch her intensely letting her feel goosebumps in her body by his gaze. She looks down but he lift her face through chin and their eyes lock in never ending lock.

Their eyes close, and he press his rough lips on her soft petals and sucks her sweetness, she close eyes and let him dominate her while responding him softly. He also becomes more dominating and his lips reached her neck and he sucks her collor bone and give a bite on it, she moan when her skin gets his teeth mark, he sucks it to make it more visible and reduce the pain and let himself in between of her and pondering himself in her letting her moans echoes in room.

After sometime!

Swara is hurriedly pinning her saree pallu while watching the clock in tension as she got late because of her husband's over romantic nature.

Sanskar comes from washroom runningly and combing hairs behind Swara who is fixing her saree.

Sanskar : oh God I got so late!

Swara : bahut jaldi yaad aa gya! ( angrily)

Sanskar : ( gulping saliva being afraid from her anger)
Umm what I have done?

Swara : what you did? ( stressing it)
You wasted 1 hour and made both of us late.

Sanskar : 1 hour WASTE? excuse me that was not waste, it was husband wife quality time.

Swara : night was less to show the QUALITY TIME? ( sarcastically)

Sanskar : of course!, because you are my that addiction which gets more firm after every seconds. (send chills to her)

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