Shot 2

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Recap: SwaSan a married couple, Swara is suffering from amnesia and Sanskar is dealing it calmly with love.

Another Day!

In  SwaSan Room!

Swara awakes from her sleep and find Sanskar laying beside her, sleeping on his stomach.
She gasp seeing a unknown men beside her, she find her mind completely blank with no memories.

Another day of her finding herself all stranger.

She forward hand toward him shiveringly.
He gets awake by her touch and looks at her.
She take off her hand back being afraid as if he will bite her hand. Her forehead is leaving sweat in fear.

Swara : who are you?

Sanskar sit back on his place.

Swara: who I am?

She shifts from him clutching her blanket to her chest.
Sanskar gasped her holding her hand in his hand softly.

Sanskar : I am your husband, Sanskar Maheshwari and you are my wife Swara Sanskar Maheshwari.

Swara gets shocked knowing he is her husband.
She is a married lady but the thought which make her restless is why she don't remember anything?

After sometime!

Swara is sitting in hall with lost face getting her life's biggest truth.
She see her newly husband who will always remain her newly husband only as she will not remember anything.
A tear of pain escape from her eyes.

She wipes it before its noticed by her husband.

Sanskar comes from kitchen and sit in front of her with food.
Swara see the neatly cooked food. The food is looking delicious, as if her husband got used to making food.

He forward bite towards her, she eats from his hands being intoxicated by his personality.
She gaze at her husband who is so attractive and handsome.
He feed her with a warm smile.

Swara : I can eat!

Sanskar : I love feeding you.

She feels good by his words at the same time her mind which seems new born baby to her is unable to digest the fact that such a handsome and attractive men married to a average looking girl.

After sometime!

Sanskar give Swara her phone as usual his daily work.

Sanskar : if you need anything call me.

He gasped her pecking her lips.
But isn't it's normal for every husband to do with his wives.
She doesn't resist him with this fact.

He go from home bidding bye to her.

She scan the home and see herself once again she find herself a allien in this home.
Her mind is empty which haven't anything except the fact she came to know today that she is Swara and wife of Sanskar Maheshwari and she lives with her husband all alone in this home as she is orphan and he left his family for her.

Swara thinks to do something to come out from her grief that she is suffering from amnesia and also she can't be cure.

She gets up and go in her and her husband's bedroom.

In SwaSan Room!

Swara comes in room and scanning the room to think a work to do.
She decides to clean cupboard.

She go toward it and take out stuff from it to clean it, her eyes fall on a unique box which catch her eyes.
She open it to see what's inside of it!

She find a mobile phone inside it and gets confused.

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