Relaxing and exercising

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Y/n pov
I tuned out their conversation halfway and just started to think about how being here differs from my hometown. I took a bit thinking about the pros and cons. I kept listening the pros and cons in my head. When I got done weighing the pros and cons I realized I was better off here then I was in my hometown. I kept thinking until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and Ryuu asked me if I was ok? I nodded and signed "yeah I'm ok just got lost in my thoughts for a second there...why did I miss something important?" She facepalmed and said "Annasha asked me to see what you wanted to eat."

I signed "No I'm not hungry this second I have to make my bed and tidy up my room. But I'm up for anything if you guys want to make me something to eat." I turned around and walked towards my room and opened my door. I walked over to my bed and decided to make it and fluff my pillows. When I got done with that I walked over to my desk and seen the mess of papers and notebooks on my desk. I really must've got tired and fell asleep at some point last night. I seen a small bedroom trashcan and I put a bag in it and I threw away the trash and crumpled up pieces of papers. I then grabbed my pencils and put them in the pencil holder and proceeded to put the notebooks that wasn't empty in a pile and put them in a drawer and closed it. I left my Sketch book out and brought my art utensils out as well and put them both of my desk. I opened my sketchbook to the first page and decided to draw. So I sat at my desk and looked outside it was early in the afternoon. I took a deep breath in and exhaled and decided to figure out what to draw. I decided to draw a Sakura tree in full bloom. I picked up my sketch Pencil and made a rough sketch.

Timeskip 3 hours later

I put my art supplies down and looked at my drawing and my hand was aching from all the drawing and everything.

(Drawing looked like this)

I leaned back in my chair and relaxed my muscles

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I leaned back in my chair and relaxed my muscles. I took another breather and heard someone at the front door. I heard the others come in mostly because Homura was always the loudest person when she talks. After a few minutes the talking wasn't as loud. I put away my oil markers and I smiled and let it sit to dry.

I stood up from my desk and I stretched my muscles and everything and decided to exercise a bit. I started with basic exercises like pushups and squats then moved onto more advanced exercises like split squat chops, box crawl, etc. I did 8 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise. So after I got done I heard a knock at my door. My body aches after doing all of those so I needed a cup or bottle of water. I'm pretty tedious on what water I drink which is solely purified water. I got up and I was lightheaded so I was forced to sit down for a bit. So I told whoever it was to come in. Yumi walked in and seen me Shirtless with my Face beet red. Her nose started to bleed and she said "W-W-W-Why are you shirtless?" I signed "I was Exercising and I need some water or something because I'm lightheaded so yeah. She seen my Abs and she quickly ran out and I rubbed my head and Ryuu passed my door and she took a couple steps backed and peered in and whistled and came in and said "I'm liking what I see Y/n. Can I touch your abs?

I waved her off and signed "go ahead I'm waiting till Yumi gets back with a bottle of water so I can rehydrate myself." She nodded and Yumi ran back in and handed me the bottle of purified water and I drank it quickly. I tossed my empty water bottle into my trash can and she ran out holding her bleeding nose red faced. Ryuu was gawking at my abs completely ignoring that I had scars all over my body. I asked Ryuu to help me stand please. She was too zoned in on my abs. I flicked her forehead extremely hard and she reeled back and held her forehead and asked me why I did that. I gave her a stare and I tried standing but my muscles was in too much pain so I took a seat again and she must've seen the discomfort and pain in my eyes because she came over and helped me to my feet and a tasty aroma filled my nostrils and she helped me to the kitchen even though I was shirtless. Homura jaw dropped when she seen my toned body but I felt as if the scars ruined it so I was a bit insecure. Kuria seen me and she smiled at me but quickly frowned when she seen me frowning a bit. she must've knew I was insecure just by my face because she walked off and Ryuu was still blushing at my abs.

She shouted to Annasha asking if dinners ready. Annasha peered down the hallway and seen Ryuu helping me walk and she blushed slightly until she seen the insecure look on my face. She came down the hallway and told Ryuu that'll she'll help me the rest of the way since she had to catch up on the missing work from today. Ryuu pouted and said Fiiinnneee. She walked towards her room and she had my arm around her shoulder and she helped me to the kitchen and had me sit down closest to the counter so she can cook and talk to me.

She put me on the chair and crouched down to where she was eye level with me and she asked if I was ok. I kept avoiding eye contact and kept silent. She analyzed my face and body and she said "Your feeling a bit insecure aren't you
Y/n?" I nodded subtly and she asked me if I wanted her to get my a blanket or shirt for me. I nodded again and she walked into the living room and grabbed me a small blanket and draped it over my body. She asked if that was better which I nodded.

She smiled and asked if I was hungry. Which I nodded keeping quiet and so she walked over to the fridge and cabinets and pulled out a couple ingredients and she started to make me something small which was Purin pudding and she set it in front of me and gave me some silverware which I started to eat the food slowly and quietly which she gave me a bottle of purified water which I drank while eating which when I finished eating the pudding I asked her in a quiet and soft tone for some more. She smiled and gave me a second helping of the pudding which I enjoyed. I asked her for some more water which she gave me another bottle of purified water which I drank greedily and I smiled softly and I asked to be excused which she wondered why I asked her for permission but she nodded and so I kept the blanket on me and so I sat on the sofa and curled into a ball and rested for a bit. I was tired from the exercises and things I did today which tiredness quickly hit me like a tsunami and I fell into a heavy sleep.

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