Back at school and dodgeball

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2 days later

Y/n pov
I was waiting in the hospital room to be discharged. I heard my hospital door open and the doctor came in and had me fill out a couple papers which I did and he discharged me then and there. I got up and almost fell but someone caught me by the back of my shirt and prevented me from falling. I stood up and seen it was Ryuu. She crushed the soda can and told me to hop onto her back. I did and she picked me up and we walked out. As we were walking out of the hospital she said "I Apologize if I wasn't there to back you up when that fight went down." I replied "No need to apologize Ryuu. It was my fault that I decided to go alone on a walk. I didn't take in the chance of how high the crime was in Tokyo. I took the chance to protect your student and got injured. It's not that big of a deal. I've been through worse. I was just glad that I managed to protect your pupil and prevent a possible death. I may have got injured but there's plenty of life in me still. I'll do it again if someone was in trouble."

Ryuu pov
Y/n isn't effected at all by this. He seems to be proud to get injured...but what does he mean by been through worse? I'm just glad he's ok. If he wasn't there I wouldn't be able to stomach my star pupils death. He seems to be ok after everything. I should probably keep an Eye on him whenever he goes on a walk just for safety measures.

Y/n pov
We arrived back at the house and Ryuu carried me inside. Everyone came up to me asking me questions as well as scolding me for my actions. Annasha separated everyone and she came over and hugged me and whispered "I was so worried that I couldn't sleep. Please don't scare us like that again. I nodded and she gently took my hand and had me follow her to her room. She started to dress into a nightgown. I averted my gaze. She came over and laid in her bed and she gently pulled me down next to her. She hugged me and her mounds were pushing against my body and she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. I also closed my eyes and slept. I laid my head on her chest and she smiled in her sleep.

1 day later

Y/n pov
I was gently shaken awake. I let out a yawn and sat up and rubbed my eyes. I heard Annasha say "it's time to wake up Y/n. You have to get ready for school." I slowly got up and I walked to my room. As I entered my bedroom and got dressed and ready to leave Annasha knocked on my door which I told her to come in. She did with a winter coat, gloves, scarf, and a hat and said "it's really cold outside Y/n-kun and Yumi-San is waiting for you by the door. So hurry up so you're not late. Here's 2 pieces of toast so hurry up." I nodded and hugged Annasha and signed "thank you Miss Annasha." I gave her a smile and finished getting ready and headed out and seen
Yumi-San by the door. She smiled and we both headed out. Halfway towards school I gave her one of the pieces of toast. She was confused so I quietly said "I noticed that you were a bit hungry so I'm sharing with you. Plus I think I made you wait long enough so this is also my way of saying sorry."

She smiled and took the piece of toast and said "you didn't need to be sorry Y/n. I volunteered to walk with you to school after that stunt you pulled earlier this week. What made you step in anyways?" I sighed and said "it's just something from my past that I decided to step in even if I get hurt. It's not like I'm playing superhero. It's more along the lines that if I wouldn't have done nothing I would've been guilt ridden knowing I could've done something to prevent it. What could've happened to her was something I have personally experienced and would rather not have someone live with the same pain I had to deal with when I lived in America.

If someone was ever in danger and I witnessed it. I would always step in and keep that person protected. This world is actually a very cold and harsh place for people that aren't mentally or physically prepared. So someone has to be there to lend a hand Yumi-San. Do you possibly understand where I'm coming from?" Yumi-San nodded and said "this is actually the first time I have openly heard you talk about your past. It sounds like it was extremely rough for you Y/n-kun." I nodded and said "I only openly talk about it when it's someone I trust or deeply respect." Yumi-San nodded and put her hand on my head and said "if you ever need to talk about something don't hesitate to talk to me. I nodded and I heard a guy shout
"YUMI-SAN YUMI-SAN GO ON A DATE WITH ME I PROMISE I'LL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR WHILE!" I noticed Yumi-San was uncomfortable and looking at me for help. I walked over and ripped him away from her and I shouted "BEAT IT BEFORE I PAINT THIS SIDEWALK WITH YOUR BLOOD!!" The guy looked at me and laughed and crouched down and said mockingly "Awwee you playing superhero. Beat it short stack!" I was visibly angered and I said with venom "I'm a man of my word." I reeled my fist back and went into a full force punch and hit him across the jaw which he was launched backwards into a pile of garbage. He was definitely unconscious. I walked over to him and nudged my foot which rolled him over and I said "next time dont take my warnings lightly and stay the hell away from my Yumi-San."I left him there and walked back over to Yumi-San which she was speechless. I smiled innocently at her and said "let's get to school Yumi-Senpai" I grabbed her hand and dragged her along. We reached the school and I grabbed some bandage wraps and wrapped my fist around and I looked at Yumi and gestured her to crouch down which she did and I whispered "That guy that I knocked unconscious was a creep...I noticed him following us since we passed the park. I didn't really want to get into a fight but he had to mention my height so he had it coming. I ask you to not tell Annasha please. Hopefully I'll see you at lunch Y.U.M.I S.E.N.P.A.I! I backed up and with a faint blush on my cheeks. I then jogged off to go to my first class.

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