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Touya had stuck to his promise and stopped using his quirk for a whole week, allowing you to treat his burns every other day. Your fourth birthday was in a few months and you could already dread what came with it.


Now, normally you would have been extremely excited to finally be of age for your quirk. But being born in the Todoroki family meant that your quirk would either make you or break you, in the eyes of Enji. You knew he was simply waiting for the day Shoto would develop his quirk so he could start his rigorous training, so Touya had been very insistent on training before that, because he wanted to show his father that he didn't need to train Shoto, the latter's quirk was all he needed.

At this point, you can only feel disgusted of Enji, it's not even hatred anymore.

You genuinely feel repulsed by that man.

After a whole week of resting, Touya had hauled you to Sekoto Peak with him, demanding to know what this training regime was that could 100% get him stronger.

And so, here you were. Sitting through this pleasantly chill weather, your book placed securely in your hands and the only sound that surrounded you were that of nature, the wind rustling the branches of trees and...

Touya's tortured screams.

The boy was currently running up and down the whole mountain, while the cooling air due to the changing seasons depriving him of oxygen even more.

One thing you realised is that Touya lacks muscles. His body isn't just weak to his quirk, it's physically weak. If he needs tolerance, he's gonna have to gain some muscle and some strength.

Another thing is that he wants to give his 100% on everything. He doesn't want to learn step-by-step, he thinks that if he does everything to an extreme, he'll learn it eventually.

That kind of thinking will get him killed, especially with his quirk.

The problem with Touya is that his body is not adaptable to his quirk. But according to what you've been told by Fuyumi and Natsuo, it wasn't always like this. Touya didn't always get burned by his quirk, it was only when he began to increase the intensity of his training.

This means that his fire is getting stronger much faster compared to the rate of how strong his body is getting. The only way for him to get his body adjusted is to start using small amounts of flames and getting used to their heat before moving up on to bigger flames.

Like it supposed to happen naturally.

At first, convincing him of this training regime was a pain. But a few promises of strength (and a little bribery of giving him your share of cold soba at dinner) and he was good to go.

So now, you were currently waiting for him to finish his daily laps on the mountain before moving to push-ups, sit ups and squats. Since you had been training him for... over a week now, he's gotten somewhat better at this training.

Although, only a week more later, he declared that he was going to use his flames and train his quirk. You agreed, only on the condition that he would keep his flame output to an all-time low.

With hesitance, he followed your advice and used his flames at very little output, and surprise surprise!! It doesn't hurt!

"Look, [Name]!! I'm doing it!" He showed you the small fire and your lips quipped in a small smile. While it wasn't a lot, in fact, it was even smaller than what he started training with when he first got his quirk, it had been a long time since he hadn't gotten hurt while using his flames.

"Well done, Touya. If you keep this up, you'll be stronger in no time." He looked ecstatic to receive praise, even if it was from a 3-year old and turned to you again, "I'm gonna increase my flames!" He declared and your eyes immediately widened.

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