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The day Shoto awakened his quirk... is when all hell broke loose.

Your father stood there with a maniacal smile on his lips as Touya looked horrified. You don't know how to feel, but you can definitely feel the pit of horror forming in your stomach.

Almost instantly... Shoto is isolated from everyone in the house, even Rei.

The poor woman sputters and runs behind her husband as he drags your twin over for another round of training, but she is silenced with a single glare.

Shoto and his quirk is everything Enji dreamed of... He is his masterpiece.

The one who takes this news the worst, is Touya. He immediately jumps back into neglecting himself, ignoring your advice, and focuses simply on training his quirk...

It's almost psychotic how badly he's desperate for Enji's approval.

He is obsessed with the idea of being Enji's successor and you feel like all your progress has been for naught. You should have anticipated this... But you didn't even consider that Shoto's quirk would be the reason for Touya's relapse to insanity.

You've tried to uphold your promise to Shoto and tried to talk to him but Enji immediately kicks you out whenever he sees you, calling you a distraction... and a disappointment.

Because despite Shoto's quirk developing... You have yet to awaken your own.

When a whole year passes after your 4th birthday and you're finally 5 years old, your quirk still doesn't develop, and your father announces you as quirkless, looking at you with such disgust that if you were any normal child, you would have cried for hours.

Your mother consoles you and so does Natsuo and Fuyumi. Touya is too busy spiralling into madness to even think about your existence and Shoto cannot reach out to you, even if he tries. Still, you see him look at you longingly as he walks through the doors and you come across him for a brief moment.

He is guilty that he cannot even try protecting you from his father's disgust.

Yet you're doing your best to protect him by randomly walking in on his trainings and trying to get Enji's attention, even if it's for a small moment.

But the true horror happens when Touya approaches Enji, "Dad!! You have to take a look at this!! I-I've gotten stronger, I've gotten really strong! So now, you don't-you don't have any need for Shoto! I'll be your heir, so please–"

You watch from the hallway as Enji yells at him to stop this madness, he yells at him to stop hurting himself and make friends at school. The older male begs him to play with Fuyumi, Natsuo and you.

But Touya doesn't want to listen.

He's too far into this pit of obsession to get out.

At night, you can hear your parents talking. You can hear the defeat in Enji's voice as he realised that he cannot stop Touya from his path of self-destruction and turns to Rei, "Shoto's training is at its peak, I cannot have Touya distract me. Rei, he's your problem now. So stop him."

Your eyes are wide as you lay awake in your bed. Fuyumi is sleeping next to you because you ended up sharing rooms ever since you had to move out of your and Shoto's room.

But what you can only think of... is just how abhorring Todoroki Enji is.

You are physically repulsed by his actions, and just by his mere existence.

People like him do not deserve life.

As you get up to take a breath of fresh air to calm yourself down, you accidentally stumble into Enji. And he doesn't even spare you a glance as he walks past you.

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