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Just for the first few days, you had done nothing but brainstorm ideas on how you were going to even get any information on a guy who not even Mr. Compress could find anything on.

You wished you could get Touya to join you with the brainstorming, but after you heard a few of his initial ideas, like Why don't we just ask people on the street? or Let's check the internet!

You were quick to dismiss him from the task and let him focus on his part-time at the brothel. He wasn't too enthusiastic about it but even he knew better than to argue with you on a topic that he knew jackshit about.

And so, you were left alone to figure out a way to collect information. If Atsuhiro's men weren't able to gather anything, because they were too quickly exposed, then that must mean that you need to act as innocent you can while looking for this guy.

But obviously if you want to ask people in this sort of business then you're ought to find out just what kind of business this guy even does.

Hell, you don't even know his name!

So obviously, the first step was asking none other than Mr. Compress himself.

As you finished the last bite of your lunch which was a simple convenience store-bought onigiri, you dusted your hands before gathering your belongings and finally putting your shoes on to leave the apartment. You wanted to ask Atsuhiro first before proceeding with any research of your own.

But during your walk to his so called office, you couldn't help but let your thoughts wander off as to why the magician would even ask you guys–no one but a bunch of kids, in his view–to look for someone not even he could find anything about.

There were only two possibilities that came to your mind.

Either, it really was a difficult feat, and he was trying to hold off on forging those documents as long as he could by handing this mission to you. Or, perhaps this was a test. Maybe he was still skeptical over how a literal 7-year old could do things that you have done, and this was his way to test you over your intelligence.

Well, whatever reason it is, it certainly isn't a good one.

Just as you had concluded your thought process, you had also managed to reach his office by that time. Climbing up the winding stairs that led to his room, you had reached his place. Only to be met with three bulky looking men, staring down at you as if you were a rabbit in a tiger's den.

"What do you want, brat? This place ain't for kiddos like you–"

"Good afternoon, I would like to meet with Mr. Compress. Please let him know that [Name] has come to meet him." You straightened your back, hands clasped behind you as you gave them a serious look.

Ah... This feels nostalgic. Almost like you're back in your military days.

The three men looked at you, amused at how a puny little kid like you was acting like she actually meant business. Like hell Atsuhiro would work with a brat this annoying.

"Oh yeah? And why do you wanna meet him? Did you wanna tell him that you finished learning your Katakana or something?" One of the dudes asked, leaning over with a teasing grin that showed his gammy teeth.

Jesus Christ... Just because he does illegal crap doesn't mean he has to unhygienic. He can clearly balance both things, if only he bothered enough to brush his damn teeth!

But you refrain from showing your disgust and simply give them the same look as before; serious, poised and monotonous.

Maybe you should knock them out and make your way in? Eh, too much effort. But waiting here for them to let you through is even more taxing.

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