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Silence wasn't uncommon in the Todoroki household.

Yet, as of right... that silence was completely filled with the mourning, painful cries of Fuyumi. Natsuo, at her side tried his best to stifle his own cries, but the poor boy could only do so much.

At the other end of the room, sat Enji. He had his lips etched in a straight line, staring ahead as his ears picked up the sobs of his daughter and son. But he made no movement to console them.

In the end, the family maid had to jump in and help calm down the poor sobbing children. Her wrinkly eyes drifted off to Shoto, the youngest, who sat a few meters away from Fuyumi and Natsuo.

Like their father, he also had his face set in a grim look. But unlike him, Shoto's eyes burned with a certain rage; he was angry.

Anger directed at Enji–no, the boy was livid. He was practically seething as all of them sat in the room, slowly suffocating all the members of the family over the grief that overtook them all.

Grief for the tragedy; the passing of Todoroki Touya and Todoroki [Name].

Enji's eyes wandered over the room, watching both his middle children crying, but when he caught sight of the youngest, he was disturbed. Crying, although was a sign of weakness for the flaming hero, yet as of right now, he truly wished that Shoto would cry.

This wasn't healthy.

With a hesitant look on his face, the red head slowly started, "Shoto–" He was cut off by the chilling glare the five-year old gave him, "Shut up. Don't say my name, you villain!"

Enji was grieving in his own way, and couldn't really find it in him to truly be angry at his youngest for what he had called him. Instead, the elder man just sighed as Shoto got up from his seat, ignoring the monk that was chanting prayers.

"Shoto, sit down. Don't cause a scene. At least respect the deceased-"

"I said, shut up!! You killed her!! You never respected her when she was alive and now you want me to think you actually care?!" Enji's patience was running thin, and while he really didn't want to lose his cool on a literal funeral, Shoto really was getting on his last nerves.

"Shoto, I won't repeat myself. Sit down and-" By the time he had said that sentence, his other children had raised their heads and tried to calm their own cries in order to see what was going on.

But Enji wasn't given the time to complete his sentence when Shoto stormed out the room. The monk had just finished the chants and Fuyumi got up in worry with tears still staining her pale cheeks. Enji let out an annoyed growl and was just about to go after the youngest to drag him back in here when the family maid finally decided to speak up, "Sir, I think the young master needs some time to grieve on his own. This is an extremely difficult thing to take in, and he's most probably still in denial."

It had been around two days, how could he still be in denial that [Name] and Touya were gone?

But he decided that he really didn't want to bother right now with his son's tantrums and just let him be, continuing on with the funeral.

Meanwhile, Shoto had immediately rushed back to your shared room. A part of him desperately hoped that the moment he would reach there, he would find you sitting on their study table, reading one of your books that he could just never understand what was so interesting about them.

But to his dismay, the room was as empty as it could be.

The moment Shoto found himself alone, he finally allowed a few tears to stream down his pale cheeks. The young child dragged his body a little forward, reaching the study table and looking over it to see a stack of books, all of them were ones you had taken from Endeavor's bookshelf and never bothered returning because you took better care of the books than he did.

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