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While you had originally anticipated this, you weren't exactly expecting to be discharged the next day. The head nurse had seen how you were well enough to walk around the hospital, so she deemed you well enough to go home too.

To have you discharged, however, you needed a guardian. And for that, you had the family maid come in, since your shit stain of a father was busy neglecting the family, as usual. Thankfully, there were no problems and you were allowed to leave after they told you the next date for your checkup. You bid your goodbyes to the kind nurse who had taken care of you the entire time and finally took your leave.

You seated yourself in the car that your maid had came in, which was actually a sort of car exclusive for the use of you and your siblings should they have the need to go anywhere.

"I'm so glad to have you back, young miss!" She started as you nodded at her, before returning your gaze outside.

"I'm sorry but I wasn't really aware of what your favorite food was. So I made sure to cook your siblings' favorites, as you always seem to eat them without any problems." You tried to give her a smile, and she brightened up at the small gesture, "It's fine. Thank you for cooking for me." She smiled kindly, her wrinkles becoming more evident but you think it just added more to her kind look.

It was a few minutes ride back to your house and as soon as the driver parked the car in the compound, all three of your siblings (Touya opted to stand on the doorway because he's too cool to run) ran towards you and immediately greeted you with a worried look, "You're back, [Name]!!" Shoto started and Fuyumi had tears lining her eyes, "Thank God! I'm so glad you're back!"

Natsuo gave you a huge hug which you somehow managed to return because he was squeezing you way too hard for you to breath properly. Thankfully, Touya finally walked in, "Oi, Natsu. She's going to choke if you keep hugging her like that." The said boy immediately let go of you and began hurling a barricade of apologies your way.

"It's fine..." You simply replied as Shoto immediately glued himself to your side, clinging onto your arm like a lifeline. Fuyumi tried to dissuade the three brothers to let you rest first but you were more than happy to spend some time with them, especially since Enji wasn't home right now.

As you walked inside with your siblings following you around like little ducks, you couldn't help but notice the stark emptiness that you were hit with.

Rei really was sent away...

Thankfully, no one noticed your slight change in moods as you made sure to keep your expressions consistent, "[Name], are you hungry? Miss Hiyori made a lot of food for you!" Shoto stated, his mismatched eyes peering right into your own.

"Hmm, did you guys eat already?" He shook his head as you let a smile form on your lips. Shoto watched in fascination as you pat his head, "Then, let's eat together." Your siblings heard the conversation and Fuyumi and Natsuo took this as a sign to immediately start setting up the table.

You were left with Shoto and Touya, who you could see was busy looking at your twin in annoyance. In an attempt to calm the situation, you had Touya sit next to your free side that Shoto wasn't clinging onto, and then started talking yourself so neither of them would feel excluded, "You know, yesterday I asked the nurse to let me walk around the hospital before you guys came to visit me." You began and immediately, you had both the boys' attention.

"I was walking around the hospital when I saw a boy... I think he was about the same age as Touya. He had really pretty, red wings." Shoto pressed himself even more against your side, cuddling with you as Touya only scoffed, "I bet I could burn his stupid wings. He'd never win against me!" You could only deadpan at his statement, "Why are you always so combative? Would it kill you to get along with someone your age?"

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