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You're still a bit unsure how you ended up in this situation.

One minute, you were at the alley with the yakuza and the next, you were sitting in their residence, a steaming cup of tea placed right in front of you.

The old man sat across from you, smiling kindly while Mask Man, aka, Chisaki sat at one of the corners of the room facing you, and gave you the dirtiest glare known to mankind.

Hmm... Something tells you that he doesn't like you very much.

Oh well, free tea is free tea. You're not gonna turn it down for an angsty little shit.

Taking a sip, you gently placed the cup onto the table yet again and turned to face the old man ahead of you. He had his wrinkly face pulled into a kind smile as he gazed upon you.

Clearing your throat, you finally started, "So... Um, how can I help you?" He seemed taken aback for a moment until the smile returned on his features, "I should be the one asking you that. I know that I can truly never pay you back for the favor you have granted me. But, I would like it if I could compensate you in some way."

Compensate you?

"Honestly, I don't really have anything that I would need, Mister." He smiled at your humility as Chisaki sneered in the back, "She's right, you don't have to pay her back! She didn't even do much–"

Again, the brunette was silenced with a single side-glance by the older male. It was almost amusing to watch that brat being put back in his place. Might as well call it therapeutic.

"I understand. Making you choose on the spot would be wrong of me." You appreciated his understanding nature, even if Chisaki looked like he would start foaming from his mouth anytime soon.

Speaking of favours... Now that you've shown some humility, would now be a good time to ask him what you had initially planned?

"-but..." You slowly started, garnering the attention of the Boss as he leaned in to listen more, "Yes?" He questioned, an expecting smile on his face.

"Um, I know this is probably not what you were expecting when you said that you would compensate me..." Peering down at your tea in an attempt to look more bashful, you then continued, "Do you think, that you can... I don't know, maybe get me some information on this one guy?"

Like you had expected, his initial expressions were that of shock, but he had been quick to hide them and proceed with the conversation, "Information? Sure, I don't mind. But, forgive me for asking, my child... Why would a young maiden such as yourself need information, of all things, on a person?"

Obviously, this guy was no idiot.

He must have realised that you aren't as normal as you appear to be. Maybe he must have realised it back when he first saw you. But still, he was kind enough to offer you tea and a place to rest.

"Me and my brother, we're orphans. In order to make ends meet, we need to get some information on someone. Think of it as a... private commission." Now that certainly intrigued him.

Because if you both were orphans, and with you being a minor, why weren't you both at an orphanage? He must have thought of it, but didn't bother voicing his questions unlike the boy who was glaring you down like a rabid dog, "If you're an orphan, why aren't you in an orphanage?"

"That's quite a personal question, Chisaki-san..." You drawed out the honorific, making him grit his teeth as you used his name.

Yeah... He really doesn't like you.

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