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You could feel your heart dropping to your stomach.

The sight of the smoke slowly growing in magnitude was filling your child body with fear as your tiny legs carried you to the mountain.

The closer you got, the more smoke you saw and by the time you reached it, you could already see what was happening. Large flames licked the very tops of the trees, covering them with their luminous red and orange hues. The smell of burning wood was as evident as ever, and you could feel your heart beating so loudly that you were afraid it might just jump out of your throat.

The heroes came in your view the closer you got to Sekoto Peak. All of them stood in horror, unable to do anything as the flames grew more and more.

But one of the said heroes, managed to catch your eye.

It was a hero you didn't expect to see... Endeavor.

He had a look of pure horror and fear on his face as he stared ahead, the flames slowly consuming the place he remembered as a child and in it...

Was his own son.

"T-Touya... My son. My son's in there!" You heard him yell, but a group of three other heroes had to hold him down, preventing him from rushing in and probably dying of asphyxiation.

The moment you heard those words, your mind turned off.

Touya... was in there...

Oh, God... He was in there!!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!!

You immediately rushed over, not even thinking about anything but you were immediately held back by another pro-hero.

"TOUYA!!" A scream tore through your lips as your eyes were widened in horror, unshed tears glistening from the light of the fire.

Enji turned his head to you and gasped, "[N-Name]!! What the-What the hell are you doing here?! Get away!!" He yelled, his attention now on you as he rushed to you, "[Name], you have to get away! You'll get hurt!"

You didn't even listen to what he was saying.

Touya was in there!

Your brother-a child was in there!! He was going to die!!

You didn't even realize when your tears began to spill out of your eyes. That child.... was Touya...

You ignored all those that were holding you back, not letting you jump in the growing fire all by yourself. They were still waiting for the fire trucks and the water based heroes to rush over. But that would take too long... By the time the trucks would arrive... Touya would have already burned to death!!

All of sudden, you felt strange. At first, you brushed it off as the horror that was slowly consuming you... but then a familiar feeling courses through your veins.

A feeling that you knew all too well.

You looked down at your arm, before flexing your hand and staring at it in shock. Then, you raised your head to meet Enji's blue eyes staring at you in desperation.

Realising that you didn't have time left to spare, you brought your hands together in a praying position and closed your eyes to focus on your surrounding.

Come on... I've done this over a million times before, I can do it again.

As you opened your eyes, you were met with surprised looks as everyone began to get pushed away from you. It had happened...

You had finally regained your quirk.

With that thought in mind, you began to push everyone away who tried to stop you and rushed towards the rapidly growing flames, "[NAME], NO!! PLEASE!!" Enji's cries fell on deaf ears as you finally reached the fire.

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