Chapter 6

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**forced intimacy

I decided to take him up on his tour of the town, both to not anger his beast and to look at my escape options. The beast next to me did seem quite pleased as we left the packhouse he was carrying a broad smile. I wasn't sure when he was going to let the more human part of himself, the part I could maybe reason with, back out so plan B was a prison break. I studied the main street carefully, it ran from the entrance, past the pack house, into the center of town. The main drag contained a grocery store, gas station, a spa, several clothing boutiques, a book store, a jeweler, a furier, and a florist and medicinal herbal shop. The last building on the main drag appeared to be office space, a sign out front indicating the businesses housed within. There was a small hospital and what appeared to be two schools at the end of the main street and a large gym with an outdoor track. Behind them seemed to be homes, many homes that stretched right up to the woods. I would need to get my bearings but my current assumption is the entrance is the closest way to civilization, the woods probably stretch on for hundreds of miles behind the town. The packhouse was already the closest structure to the entrance so I was already on the right track. I was making sure to look around wide eyed like I was impressed, which to be fair I am but he doesn't need to know that. He was beaming with pride for his pack who bustled all around us. Occasionally someone would pause their action or stare for a moment assessing me before returning to their lives. Any of these wolves would rat me in a second if they caught me so I would have to be extremely careful. I wasn't going to make it far on foot, I definitely wasn't out running wolves, so I was going to need a vehicle.

As we made our way back to the house I caught sight of the large detached garage and assumed my ticket to freedom resided in there. Leaving at night would be preferred but impossible with my sleeping arrangements.

His voice saying my name pulled me from my own head, "I'm glad you seemed to enjoy the town. I told you getting out would be good, I only want what's best for you Dawn."

I said nothing, I had decided the silent treatment might anger him but it would anger him much less than any of the dumb shit my mouth tends to spout out.

He nodded as if agreeing with my thoughts, "You don't have to talk to me, this will probably be the least offensive way you act out."

He went to his office immediately. I went and laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling. I thought back to my brief glimpse of the kitchen and foyer, no keys in either place so hopefully they keep them in the garage. I had not paid enough attention to the alpha's schedule to have it down pat but he seemed fairly busy from around 6am through noon so that would probably be my best shot. Onto the next part of my plan so I crept down to his office peeking my head in.


He seemed shocked to see me, "Talking to me again already?"

I scrunched my nose, "I just wanted a tour of the packhouse."

He beamed, "Oh yes, I showed you the entire town and neglected the home you are staying in."

I knew he would be pleased I seemed interested in something here, and it would further stroke his ego to feel his plan to force me outside had worked. I also knew as long as I continued to give him the silent treatment through the tour he wouldn't be suspicious and would just believe I succumbed to a moment of curiosity.

I watched intently as we walked around the home. The front door was obviously out. Third floor windows would also be absolutely out of the question, but a second floor window onto the roof of the back porch seemed doable. There was also a back door that could work. The side door off the kitchen was just too far from the garage. I kept my eyes peeled for any keys in case my assumption was wrong about them being in the garage. I also tried to memorize every single floorboard that creaked slightly too loud. When we went out the front door so he could show me the flower beds out front I cast a peripheral glance towards the front gate, one guard stationed there who only seemed to be checking people entering not those leaving. When we went back inside he was still smiling broadly.

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