Chapter 7

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****forced intimacy

I woke up around 9, and he was long gone. I shoved some clothes into a small backpack and quickly slunk downstairs to the kitchen to add some bottles of water and some protein bars into it before I set off. I was able to slip out the back door easily and hastily made my way into the garage. I quickly scanned the area, finding the keys all hanging in neat rows not far from the door. I grabbed the keys to the most inconspicuous vehicle I could find in the garage, unfortunately that was not the brand new sting ray I was dying to speed away in. The chosen escape vehicle was a newer navy blue chevy malibu, much less flashy, I chucked my bag in the passenger seat. I opened the garage door tentatively looking out, no one in sight. I quickly jumped back in the car and pulled down the drive towards the main street. I focused entirely on driving like a normal person instead of someone trying to escape. I drove down the main drag and even summoned up the courage to smile and wave at the guard who did the same as I drove out the gates. Once I was a safe distance away I floored it, looking hopelessly for some sign of where I was. After about an hour I finally hit some assemblance of a highway. I scanned for street signs and realized I was about three hours north of home so I turned onto the highway to head back to Goldendale.

Another hour into my drive I realized a grievous hole in my escape plan, I had no money and no phone having left my wallet and android back at the packhouse where ever they were being kept. I came to this horrific realization as I pulled into an Exxon to appease the blinking E on the gas gauge. I got out and stretched leaning against the car for a moment unsure of my next move. No one else was parked at the pumps or in any of the spaces in front of the small convenience store. I was really hoping the clerk had a phone I could borrow, it was getting close to noon and if he hadn't already discovered my absence he surely would once he returned home from his morning routine. A young man stood behind the counter stocking cigarettes. He turned around when he heard me approach and smiled.

"What can I do for you Miss?"

"I was wondering if you had a phone I could use? I left my wallet and phone in my other bag apparently and now I need gas."

I shrugged trying to appear the part of an absent minded young woman. He chuckled as he nodded pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I dialed Cora's number as quickly as I could.


"Cora, it's me Dawn!"

"Oh my God Dawn I've been so worried. Are you OK? They aren't abusing you right?"

"Cora listen to me, I escaped," I whispered and she squealed before I returned to my normal voice, "I ran out of gas though 2 hours north of home, if this kind gentleman let's me I can ping you the location, or if you can cash app the clerk here so I can get gas."

"Of course of course, just text me his info and I will get your tank filled."

"Thank you so much Cora see you in a few hours!!"

Within a few minutes my gas tank was filled as I praised technology and set off on the road again letting the clerk keep the extra $15 Cora had sent for his help.

Even though it was only mid afternoon by the time I pulled up to Cora's I was exhausted. She opened the door before I was up her front steps, her eyes wide she shook her head at me and tried to motion for me to go back to my car. I realized what was going on but it was already too late Ace was dragging me inside.

"He's livid Dawn you should come back cooperatively."

Cora was just sobbing.

"I thought you knew me better than that Ace?"

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