Chapter 19

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When I got up the next day he was already gone, presumably in his office working on pack business. I got myself dressed before heading down to the kitchen.

"Dawn!" Ace cheered as I entered.

"Morning Ace," I nodded at the Beta as I rummaged in the cabinet for a glass before getting some orange juice.

Before I could even sit down at the island with my juice Dax walked in smiling broadly.

"Good morning beautiful," he came over and hugged me causing sparks to ignite across ny body.

"Good morning Alpha," Ace responded.

"You know I wasn't talking to you right?"

"So I'm not beautiful?"

"Don't even start Ace, are you making breakfast?" I interjected.

"Well I was making myself breakfast but I guess you can have some."

I didn't need to be told twice and piled sausage links and pancakes onto my plate before he could change his mind. I ate while the two wolves chatted about training sessions and other pack business. I watched Dax's face and the way his lip would curl when he didn't appreciate what Ace was saying. Or the way his forehead creased when he was deep in thought. The mate bond had completely won at this point. I wanted to be Dax's mate and be a part of this pack.

Another week of breakfasts went by. Mostly enjoyed by Dax, Ace, and myself, occasionally one of the others would make an appearance. Every day the bond pulled me closer and closer to Dax. I was starting to really hate our time apart, even the brief periods. Dax had noticed and to be fair he hadn't teased me. He took my new found clingyness in stride, never questioning when I popped into his office unannounced or whined for him to come to bed. Draven seemed pleased when he was in control and I sought him out, always welcoming me with a wide smile.

That night as we cuddled up in bed Draven inhaled at the the crook of my neck deeply before pulling me close. He lightly kissed my neck while rubbing circles on my abdomen.

"Are you happy Dawn?" He suddenly asked gazing deeply at me.

I took in how sincerely he wanted an answer and drew in a breath.

"I'm happy with the way things are going, the way you've been treating me, I just miss my friends and I was long overdue to see my family before all this started," I finally sighed out.

"We should invite them all here then. Maybe you could even convince some of them stay." He replied nonchalantly seemingly pleased with my response.

"Okay I'll make some calls tomorrow."

He nodded and it was obvious he has a further point to his initial question, "But you are happy here, with me?"

I simply nodded curious where he was going with this.

"Then can I mark you properly?"

I should have realized, every time Draven was out he would mention this. He was still feeling incredibly guilty about my initial marking, as he should, but I may have let him suffer long enough.

"Actually Draven," I paused letting him think for a split second I was once again turning him down, "Yes you can."

His frown only took a second to become a wolfish grin.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Draven."

He easily maneuvered me into his lap once again and looked into my eyes for a moment before bringing his mouth to meet mine. His one arm held my waist tightly under my shirt keeping me pressed to him and shooting sparks through my body. His other hand held the back of my head first gently but then rougher as he entwined his fingers in my hair and gripped lightly. His mouth left mine cold as he trailed kisses down my neck using his grip in my hair to tilt my head and give him better access to his previous mark. Despite the circumstances it was still extremely senstive and I moaned loudly when he placed his lips on it. Both his hands tightened their grip and a low growl came from Draven, the vibration of which caused me to moan again. For a brief second I felt pain as his teeth sunk into their mark but then every one of my senses was flooded with a immense pleasure. Draven growled again, teeth still sunk into me, making me nearly scream as I completely came undone. He finally removed his teeth causing me to shiver before he laid me back down and resumed his position next to me. He licked the new mark a couple times before resuming gazing at me in an adoring way I hadn't known anyone, much less a wolf, was capable of.

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