Chapter 21

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****explicit scenes

Dawn's POV

To say I woke up the next day would be a lie. I would of had to sleep to wake up. Even with the sedative sleep had eluded me most of the night. The bed felt vast and cold without Dax or Draven holding me. No matter how I lay I could not get comfortable. I heard every noise of the house, each one alarming me as I had no one breathing or even lightly snoring next to me to drown it out. Even the light shining into the room from the moon and stars seemed dimmer. I had not enjoyed it at all.

Ace had coffee and omelets waiting when i entered the kitchen this morning. His incredibly goofy grin from yesterday was back and it made my heart sink a little.

"He isn't going to be gone longer is he?" I most definitely whined.

Ace snorted, " You sure are whiney and clingy all of sudden."

I just glared at him, "And you're rude and I'm going to tell Draven."

He opened his mouth to feign shock and held up his hands in surrender, "He'll be back this afternoon."

It was my turn to grin like a goofy idiot.

"Are Luke and Lex joining us to finish the season?"

"Actually Luke is on an errand but I'm sure Lex will."

"Why is everyone out on weird secret errands?" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Truly wish I knew," he huffed too but I could tell he was only pretending to be left out, he had a terrible poker face.

For the next couple hours we watched our show. Lex did join us later in the afternoon but only to ask us to accompany him to the housing district to look at a property. I really didn't want to hike across the territory at the moment but he seemed so excited I figured maybe he wanted the place and Ace joined in so I conceded and went upstairs to grab my boots.

We walked for about 15 minutes outside the main drag of town and up to an iron gate where a house was visible set down the driveway. It had beautiful cedar siding and looked to have a couple acres of pasture land both perimeter and cross fenced.

"This is gorgeous Lex."

He opened the gate and we walked down the gravel drive. Ace seemed almost giddy at this point and his energy was slightly contagious if I'm being honest.

"Are you thinking of asking the Alpha about this place?" I asked.

Lex looked around kind of sheepishly so I stopped pestering him. I was secretly quite pleased Lex had invited me to see a place he wanted, made me feel accepted by the pack, and I didn't want to ruin it.

We walked up the front of the wrap around porch just at the sky exploded in the deep purples, oranges, and pinks of the pretwilight sunset.

We walked into a fairly dark room and Lex mumbled he would get the lights. I shrieked to find the room filled with people when the overhead bulbs burst to life. Then I recognized the people. My brother rushed me and embraced me as did my parents. My friends hung back smiling, waiting for my parents and brother to soak in I was truly there in front of them.

When my family finally stepped back Cora, Addie, Ryan, and Dylan rushed me nearly crushing me.

I spent the next hour or so catching up with my parents and brother. I could have burst with joy when I found out this was there house and property.

"That Alpha Draven you were fated with is something else."

I was so elated to see my family and friends that I hadn't missed Dax and Draven in a bit but now my heart ached a little.

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