Chapter 13

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I got up the next morning to a pounding headache. I squinted angrily at the sunlight that was invading my space and making my head worse. I crawled from the bed and into the bathroom not even bothering to bring clothes with me. I kept the light dim and started the water, leaning my head against the cool glass of the shower door. Once steam began to fill the small room I stepped inside and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The warm water soothed every tense muscle and wasn't even burning my mark and I was suddenly concerned that all the nerve endings in the area had now gone necrotic as well. I tried to push it to the back of my mind as I finished my shower.

I exited the shower and grabbed a towel from the small linen closet wrapping it around myself before heading over to the mirror. It was covered in condensation and I hastily wiped a spot clean before leaning towards the reflective surface. I was so shocked I gasped and backed away from the mirror. Not just because I actually looked fairly healthy, normal color back in my face and eyes looking less sunken in, but because all but a thin line of necrosis was gone from the mark. What had once been black death covering near half my shoulder and creeping up my neck was healthy skin, and the bite itself no longer looked angry and inflamed. It was looking less like a traumatic injury and more like the faint scarred marks mates wore. I was completely taken aback, I had not accepted him, and was still trying to actively break our bond why was this healing? Is it because he had chosen a new mate? He could of saved me all this suffering?

I was suddenly enraged and stormed out of the bathroom and then my new room. I stormed, in my towel, to Dax's door and threw the door open without even knocking.

"YOU NEARLY KILLED ME!" I screamed to what I thought was his form under the covers.

Instead that whore popped out from under the sheets and I swear I felt something literally pop inside my brain.

"Dawn?" Dax's voice floated in as he entered from his office.

I rounded on him immediately, "You nearly let me die, and made me believe it was my own fault, when all you had to do was choose someone else?!"

"What are you talking about Dawn?"

I pointed impatiently at my mark and he smiled broadly, "So you've accepted me? Our bond?"

"NO!" I screeched, "That's my point, I'm healing, I feel better, but I still don't want you! So it must be because you gave up on 'our bond' when you chose her!"

He shook his head in disbelief before finally realizing I was barely clothed in front of him. His eyes darkened fast, and suddenly a raw power emanated from him. I knew I was no longer talking to Dax.

"You dare come in here near nude and with a nearly healed mark," he stepped closer and sniffed in my direction, "And you smell healthy again in general like when we met. And then say you do not accept and want me?"

"Yes I fucking dare Draven!"

His eyes grew wide and changed slowly back to Dax, "Let me call my mom over to check you out."

I wasn't sure I had wanted that but it seemed like the best option at the moment so I turned on my heels and went back to my room to put some clothes on.

I was in a pair of sweats and tank when Dax's mother entered with a wide smile on her face.

"I hear you're feeling much better," she had a very warm tone in her voice.

I pulled the thick tank strap to the side impatiently motioning to my mark, "Yes I am and I want to know why I was lied to!"

Her smile didn't faulter as she came over to inspect my mark, "No one here has lied to you dear."

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