004|| Raphael Varane

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I STOOD WATCHING my reflection in my vanity mirror while leaning over the desk, patting my sponge to blend in my concealer. I don't usually put this much makeup on, especially as it takes hours to perfect a full face but i just felt to go beyond today.

 My boyfriend, Raphael was meant to be taking me out this evening and i was unusually excited because he had always been busy with his career with no time for me.

I stepped back, turning to face the full-length mirror which was laying right beside my en-suite bathroom door. I run my hands over my long black dress, with a few simple designs at the bottom. I was contented that i finally got an occasion to wear it after purchasing it a month ago.

Raphael was supposedly getting ready at his friend's house, as he claimed that he'd somehow left his outfit there, but i didn't think too much about it and went on to send a simple text letting him know that he could pick me up whenever he was ready.

I sat on the edge of my bed, eyeing down the black heels i'd put on to complete my outfit. Occasionally id check my phone if he had replied or even seen my message but he seemed still occupied.

I exhaled, realising i was holding my breath. He had finally seen my text. A smile spread over my lips as i awaited his response. I was worried that we'd miss our reservation but Raphael always has everything in control and is always organized, so everything should be fine.

I tried keeping my smile up as i read 'sorry, i could be a few minutes late' i mean, a few minutes doesn't mean we aren't going at all.

I took my YSL black handbag and my heels in my hands and left my room, trying to not trip over my dress as i walked down the stairs. I sat on the couch, trying not to lay my head and ruin my curl pattern.

20 minutes passed, i texted him again no response.

Another 10 minutes passed, no response. he wouldn't bail on me, i know he wouldn't.

At this point, i'd hate to be so negative but i was so sure that we weren't going out. I still patiently glare at the digital clock, appearing on my lock screen, having some type of trust in Raphael.

Our reservation took place 38 minutes ago as the time was now 8:53pm. I dropped my phone on the couch, deciding even if he showed up, it would be too late.

I hesitantly walked up the stairs, fiddling with the zip of my dress on my back. I dropped my dress and it pooled over my feet. I tried avoiding the mirror so i wouldn't get upset all over again that i had made an effort to look good for it to be a complete waste. 

I began rubbing micellar water after peeling off my eyelash extensions. I felt my eyes starting to water as the same thoughts that have been in my head for a couple of weeks, return to my head. I just couldn't imagine him cheating so suddenly, i mean i hadn't even realised him being distant or anything.

As i leaned over my vanity desk, tying my curled hair up, i heard quiet footsteps going up the stairs.

I didn't want to face him now or i'd slip out something accidental or all my anger would come out on him. I wiped my tears with the palm of my hands, searching for my pajamas as i was stood half-naked.

"Y/N..." he breathed out when he watched me get into my pajamas. I ignored him and faced opposite him. "amour, i promise it was accidental" the french man spoke as he moved closer to me. 

"babe, look. i swear i was on time... it was just-" he began explaining, taking advantage of my silence.

"just admit it then leave." i muttered, tired of his excuses.

"admit what? i promise it's not like that" he watched as i crawled in bed and pulled the covers over me. 

"raphael. who were you with?" i asked him, directly.

"my friend, I've already told you this" he replied, pulling the covers off of me and putting out his hand for me to get out of bed.

"can i just show you something? ill let you sleep or whatever after" he said, smiling at me.

I left my arms by my side, rejecting his hand, but still followed him out of the room.

He stopped me right at the doorway of the living room and asked me to wait there.

I heard some ruffling and soon he was standing in front of me with a huge bouquet of pink tulips and many boxes of chocolates pilled on top of each other.

"i was just tryna-" i stopped him by running into his arms, almost knocking everything on the floor.

He leaned over and placed everything on the couch then returned to hug me, this time i nuzzled my head into his chest, breathing in his cologne.

 I had made out that he was just trying to buy me a gift but ended up being late. He pulled his arms away but i still clung onto his body, not letting go. He lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around him as he walked upstairs.

"rapha?" i mumbled against his chest.

 "yes amour?" he replied, laying me on the bed.

"im sorry for um... accusing you of things" i nervously shrugged, feeling stupid for assuming things. 

I started observing his outfit, a bit upset that he looked that good but we hadn't gone out. He had a white button-up shirt with plain black trousers, a cream-coloured jumper and his shirt was tucked up till right under his elbows.

"its okay baby, im sorry for being late" he smiled, laying me on the bed.


french men r just 😍😍😍

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