020||Scott Mctominay

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THE LONG RESTLESS hours that consumed my busy day only left me passed out on the couch, earning my needed sleep before my face was pressed down with multiple soft yet sloppy kisses. my arms unconsciously reached over to whoever was in front of me before my eyes finally focused on my young daughter, grinning a toothy smile.

my arms rubbed hers, squinting my eyes behind her figure, expecting scott to be there but instead i was met with an empty living room. "where's daddy, hm?"

the child simply giggled away, bouncing up and down in joy as she answered, "he went to the market again!" as much as i would have liked to, a proper conversation couldn't be held as i desperately tried to force myself not to fall sleep, the sound of the front door opening jolting me awake.

within seconds the little girl bolted over to the front door, yelling out an excited, "daddy!" as my husband came in with multiple heavy bags of groceries.

i watched as they embraced one another before my husband spotted me. his expression filled with guilt as i waved over, trying to pretend i was wide awake, despite my drooping eyes and yawning mouth. "she woke you up?" he asked.

i looked over at my daughter, who was excitedly waiting to see what her dad had brought back from the shops, replying with a simple, "yeah" before getting up from the couch to help my husband bring everything inside.

once he finished putting the items away in the kitchen cupboards, he turned around with a smile, walking over to where the two of us were, the girl's attention was given entirely to the cartoon playing on the tv which gave him a chance to slip in between us. "scott..." i began, shifting in my place to face him.

with a smirk growing on his face, he leaned down closer as he replied, "yeah, babe?"

"look, i need to ask you something..."

"huh? is something wrong?" he asked, growing concerned, reaching up to gently cup my face.

"you know how you've left to the shops.." my head tilting slightly.

"mhm..." he muttered gently, eyes narrowing to make sure he could get a better look at my face.

"who was looking after her? you do realise i was asleep."

 his face paled at the realisation that i was probably correct, i wouldn't have been up to look after her while he was gone, so who else could it have been? scott then tried to defend himself, claiming that he had left her in the living room with the cartoons playing

"you know how serious i am about this, you can't leave a five year old alone." i sat up straight, wanting to carry a tone of maturity.

"i know that, but she was safe in the living room," he tried to defend himself, his guilt growing further with every word out of my mouth. "what am i supposed to do? strap her on my back while i go out and get food?"

his excuses filled me with rage, i knew it was for a good cause but he should have waited until i was awake before he left, especially since our daughter was still young and quite clumsy. "look, i appreciate what you do for us, i really do, but you can't keep doing this. it's irresponsible."

his expression darkening as he tried to explain my "overreacting" as he put it. "come on, babe, you're being ridiculous. it was just a short run, she was fine."

my eyebrows knitted together, confused on why we were arguing about this and why he couldn't understand the obvious. "what if she tripped and fell? what if, god forbid, our house was broken into? you should have at least woken me up."

his lips tightened in frustration, "i know what i could have done, but there's no point in talking about this now. the main thing is she's fine. she was just watching cartoons for a few minutes."

"no, the main thing is that you left our young daughter at home by herself. don't you understand how dangerous that could be?" i asked in annoyance, crossing my arms tightly, growing even angrier as he didn't seem to be taking the situation seriously.

a cold air quickly fell between us, my anger clearly rising and his growing annoyance. soon he grew quiet as if he was thinking of ways to calm down the situation, "you can't tell me you've never left her alone in the house for a few minutes."

my fists clenched tightly, "that's different. you can't seriously be comparing me leaving her in the living room for two minutes to take the washing out to your forty-minute shopping spree."

once he heard me explain the actual length of time he had been gone, the air became even colder and stiffer. his expression filled with frustration as he looked my way, "look, fine, you're right, it's not the same. can we stop arguing about this now? i promise i won't do it again."

i stayed silent for a few seconds in annoyance before rolling my eyes, my lips forming a pout as i gave a reluctant reply, "i'm serious, though. you can't do that again. i don't want our little girl being left alone in the house again, understand?"

he let out a sigh of relief before nodding his head furiously, "fine, fine, i get it. now, please lighten up. i promise you won't have to worry about it happening again. i promise." he grips my jaw between his fingers, pulling me in to place a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"i love you," he mumbled as he pulled away from me, smiling softly with a comforting expression.

"i love you too," i replied, my expression softening as i tried not to dwell on our argument any longer.

my mood lightened further as a warm feeling settled in my chest now that the situation was over. my head tilting slightly as i smiled at him. "c'mon let's get her to bed and let's get your moody ass fed because i don't think you've had a meal in ages." he spoke.


me 🤝🏼writing silly little arguments that make no sense 🤗 

here i am with my unstable appearances bc idek what to do in life any more. honestly i wish i could re do this but my mind is blank. no ideas whatsoever, maybe that's why i've been losing motivation 😩

idk if it's js me but my week had been stupidly weird bc one day im happy and the other i'm feeling dead inside and it's js a humanly thing but i need to get rid of it bc no one deserves to feel like this 😭

also very very crazy that this book has reached 10k reads in around two months, honestly all you guys are amazing 💗

(remember to interact with my chapters and follow my account, thank youss!) ☺

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