008||Kylian Mbappe

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WE BOTH LAY in bed asleep, when suddenly the sounds of our two-year-old daughter crying and screeching filled the room coming from the monitor on kylian's side.

He rolled over in his sleep, refusing to wake up as i got out of bed to take care of our daughter. i walked over to her room and tried to calm her down, but nothing seemed to work though he continued to ignore us both and laid in bed.

Tiana continued to cry as i entered kylian and i's shared bedroom with her in my arms. I couldn't help but sigh as Kylian was still visibly annoyed at our previous argument; all i had done was call him selfish for always choosing to hang out with his friends and not cooperating to spend time with tiana or me.

 The baby didn't seem to want anything other than my attention, as she immediately calmed down. As i walked past kylian's side of the bed i noticed that he still had his eyes closed and refused to acknowledge the noise of our child.

"kylian, dont do this now... its 3am" i pleaded.

"it doesn't matter, Y/N. stop bothering me." he huffed back, stuffing his face deeper into his arms, continuing to be stubborn, ignoring the fact that he had a responsibility to do as a parent.

"she's your daughter, too!" i exclaimed.

"i know that already. " he huffed once again. "now please just go put her in her crib."

"god, kylian." I walked back laying her in her crib. "shhh, im here, it's okay" she continued to cry in her crib, raising her arms in the air, wanting to be lifted again. Him seemingly unaffected by tiana's tears though i was positive he could hear us both through the monitor.

Tiana continued to cry in her crib. Obviously she was too young to talk, and had no way of communicating what she needed, which only added to my overwhelmed state, not knowing why she was making such a fuss.

Tiana reached up towards my face as she was lifted., she wanted to be given attention and reassurance from her parents but from the sounds of it, he was still snoring.

I rocked her back and forth, walking back to my room and staring at kylian who had now spread out, taking my side of the bed. "kylian, move please, i need to nurse her"

Kylian was still trying to sleep and didn't respond to my request, forcing me to try and move him out of the way, although i didn't want to risk waking him up or he'd take out all his anger on me, that's just how he gets when he's frustrated.

I gently sat on the edge, feeding tiana carefully, and watched as she slowly stopped whining.

i caressed her few curls, smiling at her cuteness. One thing was that she'd always remind me of kylian, she had his eyes and nose, and was an exact copy and paste, even personality, she's got his attitude and wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted.

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