(2) Gravity is my only enemy

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NEW-update sport is now soccer instead of football, letting you know in every chapter and editing them!

Evans POV

I woke up to find my sisters jumping beside my bed. I assumed my mom was still sleeping. I took my pills and they dragged me to the kitchen.   When I reached the kitchen I sat on a stool and reached for the note from my mom. It read:

Dear Evan,

I was called into work early this morning. Please take your sisters to school on time! Don't forget to take your medicine. Tell your sisters I love them. Have a good day at school. I'll be home late, you can order pizza or heat something from the fridge.

Love you

I sighed, I knew my mom was busy. She's just never home, ever since we moved. My mom, Miriam, is a doctor. She's on call a lot so we don't see her much. She had to pick up extra shifts when we moved.

"Lily, Evette, mom is working so I'm taking you to school. Hurry up and get ready so we can leave. You've got 20 minutes." I hollered out into the house. When I stood up from the stool and was hit with a wave of dizziness. I grabbed the edge of the island and sat back down.

"Evan? Are you okay?" Evette asked from the living room. "I'm all good Ev, go get ready love," I said waving her away. I felt really dizzy at this point and moved to the couch slowly. I laid on the couch and my eyes fell shut.


I woke up to find Lily and Evette sitting against the couch with their stuff together. I felt dizzy as I slowly sat up. "Time?" I said still a bit confused. "It's 7:45, we're going to be late," Evette muttered. After I grabbed my stuff we rushed to the car. "Ready?" I said pulling out of the driveway.

After dropping my sisters of at school I raced to the school parking lot. When I got inside o was 10 minutes late. "Hi Miss, sorry I'm late, I had an issue at home and then was late getting my sisters to school," the office secretary, knowing my condition, gave me a pass and sent me to class.


I made it to lunch, the weather was still messing with my POTS. I had a huge headache and I felt faint. "Hi!" Lizzy and Cora said in unison as they joined me at my lunch table. "Hey guys," I said greeting them. In the past 10 minutes my headache had only gotten worse. "What class do you have next?" Cora asked me but was interrupted by a loud beep, it came from my phone.

"I need to go, I'll see you late, text me and I'll meet you after school." I quickly excused myself to the nurses office. I felt the world spinning out of control. "Mrs. Spark?" I called out as I stumbled in. "Feel dizzy," I tried to explain what was going on.

"Evan, your looking awfully pale. Please sit," she said quickly moving me to a bed. I felt my knees go weak and everything spun as the ground came closer to my face. The last thing I saw before everything went black.


When I woke up my head was throbbing. "Mrs Spark?" I slurred out. "Evan! Your awake, how're you feeling?" She asked walking to my side. "My head hurts and I'm still a bit dizzy, other than that though..." I said trailing off. "You hit your head but it's nothing serious. I called your mom and she's coming to get you," I smiled and nodded. I mentally cursed to myself, knowing that my mom was probably busy at work.

I sat on the bed trying to ward off the dizziness. "I don't need her to come get me, I can finish," I stuttered slowly trying to leave. I stood up and new it was a mistake. I wave of nausea hit me and I fell backwards onto the bed.

"Evan, your going home. No excuses," she said sternly and I nodded before laying down in relief. "Can I have my phone?" I asked hoping she said yes. She passed me my phone off the table and I texted Cora to let her know we would no longer be meeting after school.

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